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Even If Just The Headline Is True

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cassa333 | 15:20 Sun 05th May 2019 | News
56 Answers
Even if the headline is true and talks with Conservatives and Labour about Brexit are breaking down... then good. Maybe talks will breakdown before and they won’t be able to foist their crap on us.



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One lives in hope.
there's no trust left in the entire house of VBQ, not just the PM, dunno what the Quartermaster is on about, Labour have been just as big a douche de merde as Treason May and her cronies. They all want a massive kick up the April.

// Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Mrs May said Mr Corbyn should "listen to what voters said" //

Perhaps she should have done that herself after the Referendum.
"Mr McDonnell agreed that the message from the polls was to "get on with it" //

Get on with what? He want's to maintain the status quo, and she never wanted to leave anyway, so it shouldn't be difficult for these two to reach an agreement, the problem is nobody wants their dodgy deal.
If allegations that she will acquiesce to Corbyn's insistence on staying in the customs union are correct then I can't see her getting her deal through the commons.
Is a translation available for TTT's post?
Although I don't think I have ever seen a fair and accurate "headline" yet- that isn't their purpose... but I can well believe this. People rarely trust politicians anyway and they have done their utmost to prove our lack of faith in them is right.
it's written your kind of language TCL.
Sorry, but I don't speak the same language as a WCBB.
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Just get on with it DOSEN’T translate to shaft us with BRINO or any other acronyms or half hearted leaving.

If they had listened in the first place they would have done a proper job.
Cassa - do you honesltly think any prime minister- Boris, Rees Mogg-. even if Farage had been parachuted in- could have got a hard Brexit through the House of Commons (and Lords)?
What a shower! We're being treated like mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed s hite. Don't believe a single thing any of them says.
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That’s the point thoughFF. None of them have been true to the referendum result. May has been duplicitous in the extreme and the majority of MPs have been outrageously self serving in not wanting what was voted for.

If May had been quicker off the block she could have got everything in place for a no deal then the remainextremists would have been on the back foot. As it is she has ballsed it up with a combination of incompetence and weakness.

May was in charge (but allowed the likes of Olly Robinson cart blanc) and negotiated an absolutely appalling ‘deal’ that is servitude in perpetuity.

The majority of MPs want either than or to remain.

Get rid of the MPs and get ones who are willing to do what they were mandated to do.
I think you are flogging a dead horse now.
It didn't need to go to a vote originally, did it?
Boris, Rees Mogg, even Farage, could have requested prorogation and let us Brexit while there were no MP remoaners to insist on further extension delays.
Treason May cannot be trusted apparently. I came tothat conclusion about 10 months ago so no suprise. ;-(
They're all desperate to cobble some kind of Brino together to stop the EU elections.
Doubt that would save them.
On the subject of Tora and his VBQs, I was interested to see that Forza Nuova in Italy, a country they seems to be sliding back to fascism in the north anyway, were waving flags of the Italian Social Republic in Rome - in other words Italy’s Vichy from WWII.
The deal on offer is a dog's breakfast that suits nobody. Even as a passionate Europhile, I would rather see this cancerous dispute laid to rest. If it has to be done, let's trash our economy, destroy our children's livelihoods and get on with rejoining, cap in hand.

Rees-Mogg says it will be fifty years before most of us see any benefit, so it looks like we are going back to the depression to satisfy the ideologues. Any party that sides with this sellout of the national interest deserves to lose more a few council and parliamentary seats.

Just a thought.

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