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Labour Won Peterborough

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Spicerack | 01:04 Fri 07th Jun 2019 | News
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Big turn up for the books.


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Avatar Image Reason 3 is interesting.
11:56 Fri 07th Jun 2019
It means 69.4% of those who could vote by post did so. As Corby points out.
At least, that is what it says.
What do you mean by 'original' Guardian story. Is the professor's link not the original?
ProfMaisie; your example was from 11 years back when there was enough evidence to suggest fraud in certain areas. Just because something can be done, doesn't mean it will be done. It would appear that those who lost the referendum vote are not the only ones to question the validity of elections that do not go the wat they would like.
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Tell the Guardian.
3. Postal votes
Labour realised its core supporters might suffer from voter fatigue after four years in which there have been two general elections, an EU referendum, and local and European elections. So Labour voters were encouraged, more than any other year, to vote by post. It appeared to work – 69.4% of all votes cast were by post.
SPICERACK, your quote (the original version?) differs from that on their website and I suspect it is because the original was incorrect.
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//What do you mean by 'original' Guardian story. Is the professor's link not the original?//

I haven't heard anyone demand a rerun of the Peterborough vote - Not even Farage (and certainly not me).
You should all worry about anomalies when we spot them ken4155.
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Perhaps, Corby. But I was accused of 'spinning' something. I spun nothing.
If 70%of the turnout had been postal, apart from being highly unlikely, it would mean less, actually, because it would have meant thousands of postal votes from all sorts of people. As it is, it’s 70% of a smaller group more likely to be identified with postal voting
The figures are worrying - no spin from The Guardian, just a 'reason' for them.
How confusing for the Guardian readership, then. One version is a downright lie and it would be interesting to know which one.
I would not say it was a lie, only a misunderstanding of the facts.
I am over the moon with the result. Not because Labour Won, but Farage Lost. PMSL .
^^^Frankly, I don't much care that the BP didn't win, but that's because I'm a remainer, but I am a little intrigued Gulliver.

The new Labour MP for Peterborough very clearly has an issue with Jewish people, and notwithstanding the fact many Labour people are also anti-jew, are you happy to accept her anti-jew stance rather than the Brexit Party, or any other party for that matter?
If you do provide a response, would it be possible to do so with typing 'PMSL' please? I think everybody is now fully aware that you are incontinent.
21.18 Ok then Deskdiary, as Requested I will type PMSL Please . OK.
Labour did not win, they only retained their seat.
22.08 Davemano, Yes you are correct , The Tories did not win ,The Brexit Party did not win, and Labour Did Win. Ok.
OK Gulliver - so it's clearly a question you're not prepared to answer and/or are not capable of answering.

I'll make it easy for you.

The new MP for Peterborough 'liked' some disgusting anti-Jew tweets, and I know I shouldn't be surprised by this, given being anti-Jew is endemic in the Labour Party, but are you prepared to state you are not anti-Jew, you despise the anti-Jewishness in the Labour party, but you'd rather the anti-Jew winner than the Brexit Party?

All I want from you is that you're glad Labour won, but you'd wished it wasn't somebody who was anti-Jew.

Side-bar - I refuse to use anti-semitism, as there's always some moron who nasally whines that 'the Palestinians are semites as well and therefore it can't be anti-semitism'. Yes, we know that. Thanks. But everybody (with half a brain) knows that anti-seminism in the world means anti-Jew.
Deskdiary at 21.18, You asked me to respond to you typing " with PMSL please ," which I did at 22.00 . Will you kindly read through your posts addressed to me before hitting the answer button please.

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