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Wee Jimmy Goes Cap In Hand To Junket And Barmpot......

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ToraToraTora | 08:54 Tue 11th Jun 2019 | News
68 Answers
Please Mr EUSSR save us from the Nasty UK! I've got this little red riding hood vision, oo gramdma what be teeth you have......


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Steg, you're right, I'm blinkered by her that every time she opens her mouth I hear Independence, irrespective of what else she might be on about.
We have a global economy
//a lot of our English cousins will probably have to quess what her bahookie is. //

oh i'm well acquainted - as in being so far up she has to paint her name on her shoes....
"I’m 100% sure she knows better than you do"

I wouldn't bet on it. She is hell bent on Independence and has the old blinkers on.

And anyway how is it Independence when your hooking yourself to a superstate. Stay with the EU and it wont be long until there are not countries - just States.
"We have a global economy"

Yes, the UK does.
//Steg, you're right, I'm blinkered by her that every time she opens her mouth I hear Independence, irrespective of what else she might be on about.//

Aye sometimes you only hear what you want to hear and not what’s said
//I wouldn't bet on it.//

I would
She needs to go. Scotland want to stay as part of the UK. The UK want to leave the EU. She hasn't listened to anyone.
My command of the language and its nuances has now been much improved: Everybody on here thinks Scotland should be independent and they are saying so with sincerest best wishes included. Got it. Now we wait for a chance for reality (Brexit, Scottish independence, England showing the world...) to emerge from the fog.
//She needs to go. Scotland want to stay as part of the UK. The UK want to leave the EU. She hasn't listened to anyone.//
Well if “she needs to go” I’m sure her party will do crap at the next elections (but I wouldn’t bet on that tho)
Why keep asking what people want and then ignoring it?
That’s your take on it,
let the voters decide what theirs is at next elections
They have decided, steg. As I'm sure you have seen.
Aye, that’s why we have an snp gov up here
That also seems silly. What use is that for the UK?
who Would you rather us vote in like (for the good of the uk)
Whoever you think, but as Scotland has decided they don't want independence, why a party that ignores most of the UK?
they must be pretty good in government
KARL - // I am always puzzled why people outside Scotland are so vehemently against Scotland deciding what it wants to do. (some of)The English keep harping on about Scotland being doomed to failure on its own and that England is Scotland's only hope of avoiding destitution and ruin. The tone is always one of contempt, not of charity - why not encourage Scotland away instead to unburden the self righteous ? //

Personally, my view is based on objective reasoning, and has nothing at all to do with either contempt or charity, neither of which are appropriate when offering a view on another country's aspirations, however economically invalid they may actually be.
//they must be pretty good in government //

that argument holds no water. there were those that voted in the present uk government. would you say they've been "pretty good"?

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