Naomi - // It’s clear that the criticism – much of it positively vitriolic - aimed at Tommy Robinson does not emanate solely from his having broken the law – to claim so is utterly disingenuous - but from a concerted effort to deflect criticism from Islam and from those who follow Islam. That is precisely why the media has taken to referring to grooming gangs as ‘Asian’ rather than Muslim – and it’s a very slippery slope. The most serious crimes and the most foul of criminals have somehow been eclipsed by the wilful demonization of someone who has the courage to speak out in support of the victims of what can only be described as a filthy and despicable mind-set. //
I think you have a point insofar as the criticism in the media of 'Tommy Robinson' remains front and centre, while criticism of Asian grooming gangs retreats. On that point I think the media are correct to refer to the gangs as 'Asian' rather than 'Muslim' because there is no proof that all perpetrators are Muslims, and to make that link encourages the public to conclude that all gang abusers are Muslims, which may well turn out not to be the case. It would be similarly wrong to refer to all Nazis as Christians, even though most of them nominally were - tying horrendous acts wholesale to a faith is not accurate, and creates a divisive perception which helps no-one.
But where does the responsibility lie for the media obsession with 'Tommy Robinson'? It lies fairly and squarely with 'Tommy Robinson' himself. Of late, his ludicrous posturing, grandstanding, attention seeking, and law breaking, has had far less to do with the laudable intentions with which he first came to media attention.
These days, he is far too busy playing the martyr and bleating about being personally victimised, ignoring the fact that his lawbreaking may well have escaped legal and media attention had he been even slightly less keen to pursue said attention with a zeal bordering on obsession.
Yes' Tommy Robinson' spoke out about dreadful people committing dreadful acts, but that is long in the past. All he speaks out about now is his own monstrous ego, and obsession that he is 'persecuted' for his 'journalism' - gaining yet more media attention to his apparent cause to be the most listened to, photographed and videoed individual in the country.
And while the media soak up Tommy Robinson behaving like both ends of a pantomime horse simultaniously, attention focused on him could be turned on the shadowy gangs of perverts who operate in the shadows, and are delighted at the attention diverted from them and their dreadful actions.
Maybe if 'Tommy Robinson' took a break from himself, the media spotlight could be swiveled in the direction of the horrors he assisted in bringing to national attention before his ego took over - that would be a better use of everyone's time.