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We Are All Going To Die

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retrocop | 18:04 Wed 18th Sep 2019 | News
42 Answers

Abandon your worries from the Brexit doom pedlars. Brexit will never kill you. Direct your doom mongering on this. Seems we ALL might be short of Pharmecuticals if the latest Scare merchants worry you.


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"We are all going to die" I`m going to die on Friday according to some on AB as I am going on holiday to a Muslim country. Quelle horreur.
Oh're brave :-)
:) Not at all. It'll be great
Why do newspapers print these doom scenarios? It’ll just make any potential problem worse.
I suspect that the title may be a truism.
I know that I will die ( someday ), but not today, I had the flu jab earlier.
I hope that Gromit is correct and it is indeed Brexit flu.( flew would be better) All the Brexiteers will be naturally immune and the pandemic will cause great suffering and mass hysteria in the immune deficient Remainiacs who would be dropping like flies. :))

Good result then Togo?
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Yes Dave. Bring it on.
I say, that’s rather harsh upon a well meaning body of men.....oh, I don’t know though:)
We are.
war.. epdemics not a lot we can do about, so why worry about it.
you could get hit by a bus tommorow, should you stay in to avoid that bus...nah
actually, there seems to be a link between populism and refusal to vaccinate, so a good plague is most likely to wipe out Brexiters.

Darwin in action.
A quote from JNO's link;

"Scepticism about the use of vaccines for children has risen across Europe in line with votes for populists, according to a study, which proposes that public health officials should track populist parties in opinion polls as a proxy signal for vaccine hesitancy."

Does our friend believe this nonsense?

Is resistance to, or scepticism about modern medicine more likely to come from Brexiteer "populists" or foreign imports?
(Is he aware of the conspiracy theories about vaccines etc being punted in West Africa? )

No, he's not.
We have on one hand the juju men and on the other the Islamic nutcases. Both have reasons (or unreason) to suspect Western medicine. But it is clear than it's European science not Islam or shamanism which have solved Africa's diseases.

It would be nice if Western science got a thankyou, innit?
I had flu once when I was five, at the same time as a chronic asthma attack. I was in there for three weeks. The doctors at the Princess Elizabeth Military Hospital in Woolwich were amazed I survived.
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I've never had flu, but I understand it is totally debilitating, so it always makes me wryly smile when people phone in sick with 'flu' and then are back a day or two later.

I wish they'd just be honest and say they're not coming in because they've got a stinking cold - I'd rather they stay at home rather than spread their germs.

Interestingly it is overwhelmingly the women who phone in with 'flu' - and then with no sense of irony refer to the guys who come in with colds as having 'man-flu'.
I had the ‘Asian ‘ flu, an epidemic in the 50s, it was a hot summer and school hols when a boy in our street told me and a friend he could take us somewhere where it was a lot cooler, turned out it was his church, a rather grand catholic one , he was right, it was cool in there and as we stared at him genuflecting and dipping his hand in Holy water,we decided to follow suit, the moral of this ditty was my mother telling me this is how and why I got the ‘flu ( we were Methodists ) :0/

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