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Today Thousands Of School Children Across The World Go On A One Days Climate Change Strike.

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anotheoldgit | 11:24 Fri 20th Sep 2019 | News
229 Answers

They have had the whole of the summer holidays to protest, or is this just another exercise brought on by their left-wing teachers?

All seems reminiscent to the Nazi teachers in 1930's Germany.



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It's quite extraordinary. We have a mentally ill sixteen year old deliberately dressed by manipulative as a pre-pubescent Pippi Longstocking leading a Children's Crusade (check how that worked out).

And Vince Cable and Gromit and pond life passim encouraging her sickness.
...manipulative parents
Lol@Webbo 21:40. Bang on. Tip, if you use Webbo's link make sure to hover in the bar and turn on the sound. That should be played in every classroom. The do have the screens and hated infrastructure that supports the possibility. Or is that reserved criticise the advantages that they have been provided with?
A number of issues here.

And I'll start with the most obvious: why are responsible adults (which you would hope start with her parents - but a massive fail there) not protecting Greta Thunberg from her delusions, but, instead, encouraging them?
I’m pretty sure UK school children do not all have Air Con in their classrooms.
And not all go to school by car, that is less than half (46%).
And a smart phone uses far less energy than a TV. They use just 1 Kw a year. TVs use 180 KW/Year. Freezer 200KW/Year. Ironing 260KW/Year. Tumble drier 55KW/Year.
The modern world is getting good at being energy efficient (because it saves a lot of money) but there is still a long way to go.
^^^ Answer.... Because they can smell the money that is being wafted under their greedy selfish noses. There is a good living to be made for the shallow of thought in the glow bull scam. As long as everyone else is as deluded as they are of course.
//The modern world is getting good at being energy efficient (because it saves a lot of money) but there is still a long way to go.//

I can't believe that a seemingly intelligent man believes this nonsense.

The catastrophe theory predicts the death of the planet (within twelve years?) unless we replace carbon based fuels with "renewables".

Two predictions of mine:

(1) Going carbon-free by 2050 or whatever (oops, that ought to be 2031, yes?) would return the UK to the century of the Blaqck Death in terms of general prosperity.

(2) But the world would still die because Britain's contribution to the imaginary death of the planet is not even 2%.

Idiots everywhere, do you get the point? We may all be going to die, but, at least, let's die with full bellies and the smart phone on.

What delusions? The science on this is pretty clear: and scientists are not yet giving up hope. What is needed is the political will to implement the solutions that, to a large extent, already exist.

Just because most of us will be dead by the time this starts to bite doesn't mean it isn't actually a problem.
// why are responsible adults not protecting [these striking children] from their delusions, but, instead, encouraging them? //

Because the children get their delusions (if they are delusions), from the said same parents. The Earth has infinite resources, and We should use them responsibly. And man made pollution is bad for our health, so we should curb them as much as possible too.
Meanwhile, as to why children are doing this: it is worth noting that when Greta Thunberg started this she was pretty much the only person doing it. Now it's grown to a worldwide movement involving millions, and governments across the world are taking notice. Many only in a scornful "ah, they should be in school and leave us to get on with screwing the world" way, but it's a start.
And theres me thinking only ostriches put their heads in the sand. How wrong i was.
Where were the protests in China? We could cut our emissions to zero, and it would make almost no difference unless and until huge polluting countries like China change their ways.
Do you understand the difference between a protest in Bradford and a protest in Beijing, Jim?

I've got problems of my own. Normal Friday night ones. A few Bacardis. Schadenfreude's farewell crossword this particular Friday.

Let's assume your premise, Jim: "we're all going to die unless...".

Then we'll all die, Jim, because the Chinese are not going to change their habits because of Pippi Longstocking. So you give up your car and central heating if you so choose (or in pursuit of heavenly award), but I prefer to remain as comfortable as I can in the remaining twelve years (should I live that long any way).
""Thousands of activists participated in the Greta Thunberg-inspired global climate strike in Washington, DC — and around the world — on Friday. Participants in D.C. were heard shouting, “Hey hey, ho ho, climate change has got to go,” and, “Don’t eat cows; eat the rich.”"

""One activist said that he was there to not only fight against climate change but to actively “fight for socialism,” calling the two “inseparable.”

“We’re fighting for the broadest possible mobilization of youth, students, and workers to fight against climate change and to fight for socialism, which in our view is inseparable,” the man said.

There you have it. Green on the outside.....Red on the inside. Today's lessons children will be how to hold demonstrations and make them "fun". Marks will be awarded for original placards and nuisance value to the communities that you are going to despise and refuse to be part of. The eventual reward will be that you will live in your parents house rent free without having to work and they will be "grateful that you are still there..........Not.
International flock of sheeple.
//The modern world is getting good at being energy efficient //

// I can't believe that a seemingly intelligent man believes this nonsense. //

An Airbus A320 and a Boeing 707 are identical in size, but the Airbus uses less than half the fuel of its predecessor. And aircraft will become even more cleaner in the next 40 years.
When the protests were held prior to the invasion of Iran our pupils were keen to go. Interstingly enough they had no idea what they were protesting about, what the issues were and couldn't put Iran within 4000 miles on a map! But it was a day off, few actually bothered to go.
More cleaner? Will they be more quieter as well?
If the rest of the world gets its act together then, in so doing, it can put pressure on China to join us in doing the right thing.

And, again, what you are missing about these strikes is that they really are global. Not every country -- and yes, to the best of my knowledge, not China -- but, still, a huge reach. And far from negligible.

It's monumentally stupid to just give up already; to assume that the only way to take action is to abandon joy in life; and to think that waiting until somebody else does something is ever going to be successful. Everyone is waiting for everybody else.

Surely Iraq, zebo?

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