Technology2 mins ago
Licensing Laws.
I know they are in the process of being relaxed.
However my husband works away - got of his flight - picked up hire car and went Asda for some groceries and booze.He was in Q as they announced at 9.50pm anyone wishing to purchase alcohol to make their way to till.He was already there so didnt bother himself.When it was his turn the checkout girl announced she was shutting down.He moved to next till and when it was his turn again it was one minute past 10 and the till is programmed not to scan alcohol.He went ape - spoke to manger and said he only wanted a can of beer when he got home.(He cant drink whilst away)
Point being - this is draconian - IMO.Also this cant buy alcohol until 12.30 on Sun - ie until the Churchy people have finished worshipping is ridiculous.
Smacks of Big Brother and forcing other peoples antiquated opinions down your throat.(Holier than thou).What do others think?Bearing in mind you can buy fags rolls milk etc.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Thank you Andy for actually digesting my point.Well appreciated.
Mimi - Earth mother - Had my husband phoned he would have realised I had everything in.That was not the issue - please read before you reply.
He went 'ape' oneeyepric because of the utter lack of service and the lax way he was treated.
For the rest who think its an alkie type of situation - probably the churchy people I mentioned - he could have gone into a pub for a pint.
And BTW he was in the Q for 15 minutes before the 10 o'clock deadline.
So if you have any personal remarks to make - forget it.
If you have constructive comments to make re the licensing law then you are more than welcome.
Ah the legal eagle danny boy strikes again. You are clearly not aware of a case about 6 years ago where a man left 50 pence on a milkmans' float and helped himself to a 36 pence pint of milk. With grave apolologies I forget the name. But then again I am not a lawyer who goes on loads of cruises, drives a naff Merc and forget which side I put my contact lenses in.
Back to the point. The milk taker was convicted of theft. I would therefore assume in your action could count as theft if you left even after tendering money.
No doubt the Police wouldn't take any action and if they did I am certain if you got passed the custody officer, CPS would never run it.
Alas civil tresspass and/or public order or further even harrassment could (stress could) be present.
However, with the exception of public order, the powers to remove you can be excercised by anybody. (Civil tresspass with the authority of a concerned party i.e. any staff) So why must the police be called?
Further, Further I am sure that as a practising lawyer you would not put yourself in a situation that could bring you into disrepute. All for the sake of a few groceries!
What a strange, strange character you are.
I was thinking about making a comment regarding the sweeping generalisation of blaming "Churchy" people for the licensing laws, but I daren't. These hard drinking Scottish geezers are an irritable bunch, and I don't fancy a glasgie kiss!.
All this fuss (and many a long explanation) over a can of beer!
I'm been enjoying of glass of wine myself. Cheers everyone!
Ah, but Is it better too live in Scotland with hard drinking Scots and no real football, or to live in England with too much booze and the premiership - Discuss.
I'm off to lovingly stroke the cans and bottles of alcohol in my well stocked fridge, while quietly smiling at my good fortune, and sharing a thought of sympathy for those who have none.
Drinks are on me boys and girls! You won't hear a Scotsman (or woman) say that.
P.S. No body knows where I live,......Right?
Stevie - I am so glad I have something other than the contents of a fridge to stroke :-).
This is not an alcohol issue per sae but a draconian licensing law.
It seems a lot of people have an issue about this.
The thread has been lost and I doubt it can be retrieved.
I hereby give up.
Argue amongst yourselves !!
Okay, to answer your question - what do I think about the fact that you can't buy alchol when you want in Scotland when you can buy milk teabags and fags?
I think it is fine and I see no reason for the current law which means that if a pub refuses to serve you as you are ******, or you want to carry on drinking at 3am (which is the latest extension time I have seen in the local papers), you will now be able to (maybe get in your car) go to your local Tescos and buy a bottle or two there.
Just because people can't be organised enough to buy it when they want it.
I also think banks should be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in case I want to pay some money in and I think that there shouldn't be a speed limit as I may be in a hurry.
danny - it's people like YOU that mean people like ME have to take cr*p off people when we say we are pursuing a legal career. I get the impression you actually USE the words "I'm a lawyer don't you know", or words to that effect. Your show off attitude about your job and your ideas of flashing a business card are a disgrace to the profession. Oh, and thanks for the 1st year UG lesson on offer & acceptance, what a shame you didn't manage to name drop Partridge v Crittendon or the world famous Carlill. Obviously Fisher vs Bell would be the best example.
Oh - does it look like I'm showing off by bringing up my academic knowledge?!! Well so do you!!
Any HALF decent lawyer would know that when a client asks for advice you give them PRACTICAL advice!
Here, Buddy was looking for (but goodness not sure it's what you got hun!!!) a debate on licensing laws, and you chose to show off about your knowledge of contract law. I'm glad I'm not one of your clients, paying for you to miss the point.
Buddy - for the record, it seems I joined in too late for my points to be noticed, but - I totally agree with you and think the whole thing (i.e., licensing laws and the surrounding paranoia) is ridiculous. And yes it sounds like it was terrible customer service in that supermarket. So, if it were to come to a vote, I'd be voting on your side in this one! :-)
Ward Munter - get a life and stop being interested in people who are cleverer and more wealthy than you. Let me enjoy my smugness, I've studied and worked hard for it. Some people come on this site for intelligent exchanges and to assist others. There is something sinister in your approaches. If you read my post again, I did not say I took the action I was describing, I just told them I would be doing it and they chickened out because they did not know as much as me about the law. By thw way the milkfloat thing is not the right case as it does not realte to supermarkets - A lawyer is someone who will argue the point until the other person is worn down or the judge tells him to stop. Anyway, you can stop stalking my posts now, I am changing my ID.
Jan-bug - You raise valid points. Let me let you into a secret - not all lawyers are nice people! Some go home and take off their pinstipes and wear dresses. I let off steam in a variety of ways, this posting being one of them. Thanks for reminding me about the smoke balls, reminds me of when I was articled. The cases you note are not on all fours with the case described - it was not my intention to give definitive advice or info on the points arising, just described something I was involved in when I got angry with Sainbury one night. It may not have been a good idea but it worked.
Be good
Oneeyedic _ Are you really challenged intellectually or are you purposely trying to wind me up.
I shall try to say this in words you will understand.
My husband was organised.He was in the Q for 15 minutes before the cut-off time.
Why can you buy anything apart from booze 24/7?
Who are the people who are deciding when we choose to consume alcohol?
Thank you to the abers who actually got the point and didnt take a swipe at me and/or and made reasoned,thoughtful responses.
Just a little personal addendum - little wonder people are leaving this particular thread in their droves.Some people are just too personal and unkind.We all hide behind our pseudonym but we are real at the end of the day.
I'm swerving it in future.
Buddy - oneeyeddic? Oh gosh, someone did it again - so very funny messing with the vic / dic thing.
"Am I challenging inteleectually" - no not really much point in that.
"who are the people who choose when we choose to consume alcohol" - the same people who tell us that we can't hit people when we want to, what speed we have to drive at, and in fact all the laws of this fair land.
You start off by saying it was bad customer service but then go on to say that is not your point (so why bring it up). If your point is about what time alcohol is served in supermarkets, then the law has been changed and is about to be implemented. I still can't see your point.
I assume that since I am not agreeing with you, you can't see that this is a thoughtful point!
And are you actually leaving this thread now, or just saying that you are like your post last night?