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ToraToraTora | 08:15 Tue 01st Oct 2019 | News
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How will you celebrate UK independence day on 1st Nov ?


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In France the 1st November, All Saints Day, is a public holiday. If all goes to plan let's make it one here too.
10:12 Tue 01st Oct 2019
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anyway, as I've said before I have no problem with enjoying the best Europe has to offer it's the EUSSR I object to not the individual nations.
Returning to the topic, you're wasting your money on champers for Nov 1. Even if we are formally "out" by then, what happens next in a deal scenario is the transition period, which would be cassa's BRINO. And No Deal has been effectively ruled out (up to the consent of the EU Council) by the Withdrawal (No.2) Act.
I may just get me All Saints Cd album out, yer know,the one with Pure Shores on!! Wahey!!
I won't be celebrating either.
Can someone tell me what VBQC is?
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the surrender act is to compel the PM to ask for an extension, it does not even mention "No deal". No deal is still the default and there is still nothing in the way and even if we end up with an extension, that simply delays no deal.
If reports are to be believed, Boris has a deal lined up to be announced in the next few days. Hopefully its better than May's one.
//... [the Withdrawal (No.2) Act] does not even mention "No deal". //

It really does, though. Section 1(2) specifies that the Act applies "...if the UK is to leave the European Union without an agreement". Then it provides that if Parliament does not consent to that, the PM must apply for an extension by 19th October.

Granted, it does not prevent a No Deal exit on its own, merely delays it subject to EU consent, but that is enough to undermine the idea of leaving at the end of the month without a deal. That's enough -- as it was at the end of March, and in April -- to undermine your post.
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jim; "Granted, it does not prevent a No Deal exit on its own, merely delays it subject to EU consent, but that is enough to undermine the idea of leaving at the end of the month without a deal. That's enough -- as it was at the end of March, and in April -- to undermine your post." - so all you have is the ability to kick the can down the road. If the PM does not ask or the EUSSR do not grant and extension we leave with no deal or cancel A50 - surely?
I shall be skipping down the street on my way to doing a few trade deal with the country of my choice.
All that freedom.
We must use it wisely lol
I reckon there are ways of avoiding having to carry out the demands of the Withdrawal (No.2) Act.
Leavers will be at fault for everything, including the weather and random murders, for years to come.
As far as I'm aware, yes, if the EU refuses an extension then the choices are reduced to leaving without a deal or not leaving at all. When faced with that choice it is interesting to see what Parliament would do. But there is a long way to go before we are faced with that choice; and, in reality, the current Parliament is so set against No Deal that if it came to it it's hard to see them doing anything other than revoking A50.
SHARON, VBQC is one from TTT's febrile imagination and means Vichy British Quisling Collaborators.

Ah yes.. we're going to be soo free. So much freeer than we were lets say.. last month.

So free.

So much freedom.

Gosh what will we do with all the freedom?
It WILL be difficult at first when (if?!) we leave because the EU will want to make it so. Of course Remainers will be screaming blue murder & saying "We told you so". Once things settle down & common sense prevails accommodations will be reached and life will go on. I think it will take 2 - 5 years before we see the full effects. And of course there will be a campaign for a "Rejoin EU" referendum!

(But we've already spent 3&1/2 years dithering about.)
Boris Johnson reportedly wants to tie an EU commitment to no further extensions to any deal done.
Presumably, if true, the govt would not be dumb enough to make that commitment part of the actual deal (as reported) since presumably if the deal was voted down the commitment would be null and void :-)
If it’s true that a series of leaks of the govt’s proposals means that effectively there is no chance of anything actually being agreed then I think we can assume that there is zero chance of anything being agreed.
I'll spend a little time checking out the new visa requirements for the countries in Europe we have escaped from and decide if I consider them worth visiting again.Their loss considering Tourism comes high on the list for income in most of them.Greece and it's Islands practically shuts down over winter. A New world beckons.
There’ll end up being another referendum.
Most of the 22 rebel Tory MPs crucially now support holding one. An alternative temporary government might be able to pass a bill calling for one.
The only danger, as has always been the case with such a prospect, it will be easy for opponents to spin it as a “coup”.
You wont need s visa to travel to the EU for holidays

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