spath - // It's not actually it's a very similar comparison. Random loud noises and bangs, with some flashy lights. //
I'll be happy to offer the benefit of the doubt and assume you are just winding people up, because to compare a few 'loud noises and flashy lights' with indiscriminate enemy bombing designed to destroy houses and factories and burn and maim civilians is a comparison that's either a bad taste wind-up, or the ramblings of a dseluded mind - neither of which are helping the debate.
//The populous has no choice but to accept that people let off fireworks. //
Of course it has a choice - at the moment there is insufficient public will to persuade a change in the law, but that may well occur in the future, but be assured, the public always has a choice about things that affect everyone.
// If and when but mainly IF fireworks become illegal for personal use then i will partly understand why but i'l also feel that life has even more restrictions and limitations on it. //
Restrictions and limitations are necessary to allow society to function as a happy and cohesive unit. That's why it restricts me from smashing high street windows or playing my favourite Zeppelin tracks at volume 11 at four in the morning.
With any freedom comes responsibility, and the entertainment of fireworks needs to be balanced with the greater good of the population.
// I think the police has more important things to deal with than people getting upset about some noise before 11pm. //
It's not an either /or situation, but since you bring it up, I think ambulance crews and emergency surgeons have better things to do that stitching up wounds and amputating fingers off people too stupid to handle fireworks properly, and I guarantee that the fire service have better things to do that attending burning houses for the same reason, but that's what society undertakes to allow at the moment, in the name of 'fun and entertainment'.