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What Are The Parents Spending Child Benefit On.

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webbo3 | 13:09 Sun 03rd Nov 2019 | News
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//I can't see how anyone believes that bringing up children is ever the easier or lazier option!// I don't believe anybody is suggesting it is the "easier option". Such people will churn out kids whatever their circumstances. They are unlikely to be able (or willing) to earn enough to keep them so benefits is a suitable choice. Unlike working people, more...
17:12 Sun 03rd Nov 2019
The whole premise of this thread is skewed, Child Benefit is payable until you hit £50,000 pa then reductions or nothing applies.

Surely someone on that money is entitled to a big TV if they wish.

Is the question meant to be 'What are parents who can't afford shoes for their children spending the CB on?'

If so, you have had your answers.

13:12 me old cock sparra
Cloverjo, //When I was on benefits, for some reason, the Child Benefit was paid a day later than my Income Support. That was a very welcome tenner. I certainly couldn’t afford to put it away to save up for shoes.//

Bet your children had shoes though so somehow you were getting your priorities right.
Some people work very hard but are on zero hours contracts or minimum wages and often they have less money than what some would call 'spongers'.
Zero hours contracts were a life-saver for me, when I was single with small children. I couldn't afford the summer holidays previously to that.
It is a question of priorities... but a roof over their heads, lighting, heat, food, council tax... are all essentials. I also had to have a car, in order to work... I would not be surprised if there were some people, who struggle, even with their best efforts.
dont forget booze and drugs and stupid tattoos
The cap for child benefit is too high. I have got CB for all my kids and we are comfortably off. I saved every penny into accounts for them which meant when they were 18 they had a good nest egg to buy a car & insurance & money left over (my youngest has nearly 8K). The CB was and should be classed as a Tax credit and as such should be spent on what the parents need, be that shoes or champagne. However, some need educating on the merits of home cooking and budgeting.
They should wear wellies all year around like mine did. Cheap, hard wearing and surprisingly stylish.
And the family you see in McDonalds who is to know how many hours they work a week? How often the take their kids out for a treat etc etc...
Some of the ones I see down town would probably die if you offered them a job. They pop out kids until they can't anymore then go on the sick with anxiety. The Government needs to up the minimum wage and give long time spongers less incentives to scrounge of the Tax Payer.
no idea, but the time i sat there was school leaving time, so 3.30 to 4pm or thereabouts. Families whether in work or not were in abundance, as i said i sat there having a coffee whilst waiting for a friend.
Other than presumptions... it seems a lot of you have very different friends from me.
Nobody seems to have mentioned the freeze in Local Housing Allowance. That's resulted in many families having to spend money which was intended for food, clothes, heating, etc on topping up their rents, leaving them struggling to feed and clothe their kids.
I'd rather work flat out than churn out kids I didn't really want. Working is much easier!

I've yet to see anyone buy White Lightning so I don't know what kind of area TTT lives in.
And not just that, Chris, absent parents can really throw a spanner in the works.
Exactly, ummm... I can't see how anyone believes that bringing up children is ever the easier or lazier option!
SparklyKid,Douglas,CrapAtCryptics and TTT,typical Tory stereotypes.
i see homeless buy white lightening, its cheap and powerful, it shouldn't be sold but that is not my call to make.
Homeless people are a different issue, really. Imo, they can do whatever they need to get by- I can't think of a worse position to be in.
Emmie - that's altogether different. We're talking about parents here.

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