Now I realise why I read that Polish families have decided to send their children back to Poland for a better education than is on offer here in the UK. It saddens me to read the youths on this site who are barely articulate,ignorant with a feeling of superiority over the older generation. Earlier we had a moron who is too young to recall Hilda Ogden but can do a wonderful impression of her in almost every other sentence this contributor writes. I don't want to stereoscope our young ,so called ,academics but I despair when they throw in their attendance at 'uni or college' as if they are know the holy oracle and font of knowledge. Very sad that recently a load of youngsters could not state when World War 2 started. If it wasn't for better people than their snowflake generation these milk sops would be talking German and singing the Horst Wessel before starting college/uni lessons.Our current little snowflake would of ended up in an oven if he admitted to wearing women's clothes 70 years ago.
I note , like the other juvenile delinquent, he has to rush off to protect his mental health. Poor little lamb is out of his depth in a car park puddle.