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More Tory Lies

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gulliver1 | 11:18 Tue 12th Nov 2019 | News
130 Answers
Unemployment Down , Wages Up, More, Tory Lies Up.


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so anyone who votes labour will be better off unemployed, lashings off free money, rent paid fuel bills paid..etc, and a free car for falling off your perch...
This has to go down as one of the most stupidest threads for a long time. The facts are a matter of record and support the claim by the Government that unemployment is down and wages are up.

They are not Tory figures, they come from the Office of national statistics. How can they be lies? Tory or otherwise?
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The thing that makes me laugh most about this thread (other than Gulliver and Diddlydo being wrong as per), is that it is implied by their inane comments that Labour aren't liars.
All politicians lie... it is literally their job.
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//Maybe it is best you left the thread if you can't discuss maturely.//

So let’s discuss it maturely, then.

//It is up to parliament how many hours class as "employed" not the ONS.//

No it isn’t.

//Who decides how many hour per time frame is classed as "employed"? Is it the government or the Office for National Statistics?//

It’s neither. From the very report being discussed (published in the Guardian, remember, not an organ well known for its support of the "lying" Tories):

//The definition of at least one hour of paid work constituting employment is neither new nor unusual. It is the international standard adopted in 1982 by the International Labour Organisation, and it reflected standard practice. So there’s no rigging of the figures by the government to count more people as employed than in the past. The data is what the data was.//

So not only has it been standard practice in the UK for almost forty years (during which time, if I recall correctly, there were some thirteen years of Labour government - ample time for them to challenge and change the definition) but it is also standard practice internationally.

I quite agree that classing someone as “employed” when they’re working as little as one hour a week is not very helpful (though quite why somebody would bother to get out of bed to do one hour’s work a week is a little unclear). But this question is headed “More Tory Lies”. And it clearly isn’t.

So since we’re talking about “maturity” it pays to be mature enough to do a little research before banging out “More Tory Lies” and the nonsense which followed it. Is that mature enough for you?
NJ, Succinctly put.
"Is that mature enough for you?"

Yes, and I'd expect nothing less from a man of your calibre.
Flattery will get you everywhere :-)
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Love this thread one of my best Ever.
I think the best method to attack the tories is to discus and debate austerity and starter homes.

We did, spath, didn't we?
Swift swerve from spath there. :o)
We tried pixie, but people started attacking me as individual, regarding my ethic and work ethic and what not. I was even called a looser... Not to mention my financial position regarding housing was bought to the table of debate for some reason.. Some sensible folk didn't attack me, and instead agree'd that the affordable housing scheme was corrupt and shady.

Regarding austerity, we've not discussed that recently.
You have been proven to be entirely wrong, again, and yet you class this as one of your best threads?
Politicians don't lie directly, they tend to dance round the truth. If anyone lives in hope of getting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from any party., then one will carry on hoping for a long time. :0)
"You have been proven to be entirely wrong"

No i haven't.

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