//as his conscience will torment him//
I dont think it will because I am not convinced he has one.
I've not seen the whole thing, only bits, but what bits I saw were toe curling. I have no idea what REALLY happened between him/Epstein/Virginia Guiffree Roberts. Until he did this interview, I had a bit of sympathy for him. But his utter lack of empathy and his arrogance in "I am a member of the Royal family so all I need to do is have a chat with the BBC and the british public are going to be so gullible........" is just mind blowing. He'd have done better to say nothing. Or if he must say something at least say something humble and believable.
Tbh, I think he was as much used as he used others. That doesnt make it right or fair. He just should have kept his trap shut. Lets face it,previous royal interviews havent gone well, have they?!