Your "quote" contains the words "blah blah blah" but having just had a wee look at the manifesto, there's no "blah blah blah" is there, so that's a lie, is it not?
It is a pdf document and is 64 pages long. The damning quote about an attack on the judiciary is hidden on page 50.
It is impossible to link to the relevant page, soI copied and pasted the pledge, and said it was from the manifesto.
No spin, no misleading, just a quote from the document.
Right I apologise to weecalf for making genuine mistakes. As to Gromit, I can only assume he is drunk or losing his marbles. But he obviously is a very sad unpleasant human being to act so rudely.
And Gromit by the way, I don't sit on AB all day like you obviously do. So I didn't even realise my mistakes until your rude postings.
Sorry , but it’s now a pattern in news topic. Start with a reasonable post. By second page it becomes character assassination, a bit of bullying, and the original post forgotten .
Trouble is that bullying yesterday really affected me and would like the perpetrator to be aware. All I did was make a mistake on an issue of no major importance. However I did receive some great support from some lovely ABers and would like to say thank you to them on this thread. I hope this doesn't get removed.
Nellie May - you clearly have a weird perception of the world - finding Boris attractive and all that, not to mention feeling "bullied" yesterday. If you can't stand the argy-bargy on this site, I'd suggest that you ignore it.
^^^this is an anonymous internet forum - why on earth would you let what Gromit typed affect you? Just chalk it down to a bit of bellendedness on Gromit's part and move on.
Gromit is one of the few members of 'AB Royalty' who appear to have been granted immunity by the powers that be - I've seen some of the things he's typed remain there for all and sundry to see, whereas if any of us plebs had typed it, it would have been yanked immediately.