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Ok It's A Crisis, I'm Out Of Poo.......

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ToraToraTora | 20:55 Sat 14th Dec 2019 | News
27 Answers
I'm having to drink some Vin Moussex I found in the wine rack out of my silver tankard. Can this weekend get any better?


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If you need to top up...
strange vid
shouldnt the headline be
Foo! I am out of poo! .... ?

just er trying to make it read better
Nothing wrong with TTT drinking champers from a silver vessel. Champagne is sometimes served in drinking cups made of precious metal. Good examples include the silver goblets used by London’s exclusive Garrick Club* and the silver-plated Champagne flutes (with matching ice bucket) made by famous Parisian silversmiths, the main problem though is you can't see the bubbles.

* No, I'm not a member
Can we have another election please, I'm bored...
But pink Laurent Perrier is £43 at Costco. Why compromise? :)
Pink wine? Ye Gods !!!!!

It's a bit like voting Liberal Democrat - and look what happened to them!

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Ok It's A Crisis, I'm Out Of Poo.......

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