Twitching & Birdwatching2 mins ago
Expensive Brexit
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I recall the time when the Working time Directive was about to come into force, giving workers rights to limit the hours companies could insist they work.
The Daily Mail et al were up in arms at such an imposition on employers. Such was the media campaign that many in the UK were persuaded that it was a bad directive.
The EU could not comprehend the UK’s objection to the directive – what country in the world would want to deny its citizens rights?
You have to live in the UK to know the answer to that question.
The Daily Mail et al were up in arms at such an imposition on employers. Such was the media campaign that many in the UK were persuaded that it was a bad directive.
The EU could not comprehend the UK’s objection to the directive – what country in the world would want to deny its citizens rights?
You have to live in the UK to know the answer to that question.
Mozz, well suck it up buttercup.
There have been plenty of rabid remainers who gloated no end that there wouldn’t be a Brexit and that all Brexiters were racist uneducated thickos. That they have whinged and whined and sqweemed and Sqweemed about how unfair life is and how they are going to bollax it all up And how the Lords were going to save the day etc etc etc etc
So you bet your pretty little pettycoat some are going to gloat. Because if remainers had been magnanimous in defeat we could have been magnanimous in victory.
There have been plenty of rabid remainers who gloated no end that there wouldn’t be a Brexit and that all Brexiters were racist uneducated thickos. That they have whinged and whined and sqweemed and Sqweemed about how unfair life is and how they are going to bollax it all up And how the Lords were going to save the day etc etc etc etc
So you bet your pretty little pettycoat some are going to gloat. Because if remainers had been magnanimous in defeat we could have been magnanimous in victory.
Take no notice of the marxist scare tactics and misinformation about the Working Time Directive. Prior to this being adopted in 2003, at the behest of the EUSSR, Britain already had it's very own Working Time Regulations introduced in 1998. Familiarise yourself with them and tell us what is not acceptable about them why don't you.
https:/ / eathehr .com/bl og/5-th ings-em ployers -should -know-a bout-wo rking-t ime-reg ulation s-and-h oliday
This little snippet may interest you.
//In the UK, unlike other EU Member states, we allow workers to opt out of the 48 hour working week limit. Quite often than not, the employer and or employees think that opting out means they are opting out of the whole regulation. This is not the case they are only opting out of the total hours limit which is currently set at 48 hours.//
Did you pick that little bit up....."we allow workers to opt out of the 48 hour working week limit".....
Not allow "employers" to opt out....allow "employees".
//In the UK, unlike other EU Member states, we allow workers to opt out of the 48 hour working week limit. Quite often than not, the employer and or employees think that opting out means they are opting out of the whole regulation. This is not the case they are only opting out of the total hours limit which is currently set at 48 hours.//
Did you pick that little bit up....."we allow workers to opt out of the 48 hour working week limit".....
Not allow "employers" to opt out....allow "employees".
//Project Fear still rumbelling on with the Remoaners i see.
Hahaha //
It will rumble on certainly for the rest of my lifetime and probably a lot longer than that. Every tiny misfortune which the UK or its people suffers will be blamed on Brexit. Every advantage that we gain will be said to be "nothing to do with Brexit and would have happened anyway."
The majority of those who voted decided it was time to take the UK away from a Eurocentric model with all that entails and stretch out in to the wider world to secure our trade and commerce in a market place that is becoming increasingly weary of the Euromaniacs and their heavily regulated, protectionist fiefdom.
Leavers would not appear so jubilant had they not had two battles to secure. The first was the referendum itself, which was naturally expected. The second was seeing the result of the referendum implemented. From 24th June 2016 there was an immediate and concerted effort to have the result of the referendum annulled. I recall the Good Doctor Cable being interviewed within a day or two and his immediate words were "Of course we won't be leaving the EU. The referendum was only advisory and its decision will not be implemented." Then followed the accusations of ill-education and racism. Outright arrogance and contempt for 17m people.
We should have been out of the EU for eighteen months now. The reason we are not is that firstly the Tory Party chose a Remainer to oversee our departure. She was then adequately aided and abetted by a Remainer Parliament which, despite the assurances of its members, had no intention of allowing the people's decision to be implemented. They did this under the deceitful guise that it was only the our manner of our departure which troubled them. Well that was laid bare for all to see when Parliament rejected just about every manner of leaving which was put before them. It took a second General Election to clear them out. So I'm afraid that any "jubilation" now evident is because the winning side (and remember, Leave did win the referendum) has had to fight tooth and nail to see the spoils of that victory.
Hahaha //
It will rumble on certainly for the rest of my lifetime and probably a lot longer than that. Every tiny misfortune which the UK or its people suffers will be blamed on Brexit. Every advantage that we gain will be said to be "nothing to do with Brexit and would have happened anyway."
The majority of those who voted decided it was time to take the UK away from a Eurocentric model with all that entails and stretch out in to the wider world to secure our trade and commerce in a market place that is becoming increasingly weary of the Euromaniacs and their heavily regulated, protectionist fiefdom.
Leavers would not appear so jubilant had they not had two battles to secure. The first was the referendum itself, which was naturally expected. The second was seeing the result of the referendum implemented. From 24th June 2016 there was an immediate and concerted effort to have the result of the referendum annulled. I recall the Good Doctor Cable being interviewed within a day or two and his immediate words were "Of course we won't be leaving the EU. The referendum was only advisory and its decision will not be implemented." Then followed the accusations of ill-education and racism. Outright arrogance and contempt for 17m people.
We should have been out of the EU for eighteen months now. The reason we are not is that firstly the Tory Party chose a Remainer to oversee our departure. She was then adequately aided and abetted by a Remainer Parliament which, despite the assurances of its members, had no intention of allowing the people's decision to be implemented. They did this under the deceitful guise that it was only the our manner of our departure which troubled them. Well that was laid bare for all to see when Parliament rejected just about every manner of leaving which was put before them. It took a second General Election to clear them out. So I'm afraid that any "jubilation" now evident is because the winning side (and remember, Leave did win the referendum) has had to fight tooth and nail to see the spoils of that victory.