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Should The Taxpayer Be Asked To Pay

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emmie | 08:05 Wed 15th Jan 2020 | News
88 Answers
for Big Ben to bong on 31st January, for exit from EU>

or as Boris suggested crowd fund it. Likely cost half a million
quid, would it be worth it, whoever pays.


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off thread...
We need cheaper bongs.
07.54 Diddlydo, Once again you are Spot on.
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perhaps, but for the moment Big Ben the bell is the only one that can be used.
There’ll be clocks all over the country striking 11 anyway.
If they waited until midnight the bongs would be slightly cheaper :-)
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it;s 11 because it's 12 oclock in EU.
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ickeria, who should pick up the tab.
I don't care if Big Ben bongs for Brexit or not. The taxpayer pays anyway. As I see it the idea is to ask them to pay a bit extra. It's probably a tongue in cheek suggestion anyway.
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I think you may be right Naomi, rather tongue in cheek,
I'll be tucking in to Brexit cake, bong or no bong.
Emmie - how about answering my point about democracy?
Absolutely that lovely sound will herald the end of being shackled to the EU Mafia
They need about two weeks' notice so they'll need to get a move on if they want to raise the money.
Diddley, on a turnout of 67.3%, the Conservatives gained 43.6% of the votes. The remainder was shared between the other nine parties. What’s undemocratic about that?
Everything wrong with that Naomi - they have the support of less than half of those who voted and yet have carte blanche to ruin the country any way they like.
Gay go up, and gay go down,
To ring the bells of London town.
DIDDLY, that's how the first-past-the-post system works. Did you vote in favour of a change in the voting system a few year ago?
I don't think the tax payer is ever asked what we want to pay for. We just pay tax and it just gets spent.
I'm well aware of how the system works but for anyone to maintain that it's democratic is just plain wrong!
if it were to happen, which it almost certainly won’t at this stage, it’ll be “crowd funded” (modern speak for “someone can launch an appeal”
So there’s your answer

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