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Do You Think It Would Be A Good Idea For The Queen To Make A Public Broadcast

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sp1814 | 08:55 Sun 29th Mar 2020 | News
49 Answers
At this time of national emergency, should the Queen, or a senior member of the Royal Family send a message to the public on television?

This could still be done whilst the film crew, producer etc, kept socially distant.


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She wouldn't need a camera crew. She could simply open a youtube account using something like Queenie McQueenface.
Maybe Charles should do a broadcast seeing as he tested positive and only after he has fully recovered and not contagious.
Gawd blessah etc.
I have to say that a message from anyone who self isolates in a palace with a huge staff to do anything that is required for them really would seem to me to be really rather patronising.....we are all in this together? I don't think that there is any comparison between a royal lifestyle and most of the rest of the country ever but least of all now.
The time will come.
Maybe Prince Charles should return to England when he is better ?
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We were just talking about who could give an address if the Queen couldn't.

If Charles were okay, it'd be him, but if not - Princess Anne?

But she doesn't really do this sort of thing.
Sp. what would an address from a member of the royal family do for you . ?
Personally I don’t think that a message from the queen at this time would do much to help the present situation,
Didn’t she do one already?

OH has just given me his theory.....

She knew how bad this would get and sent Harry away to protect the royal line.

I pointed out they have just moved permanently to LA which will be one of the hardest hit soon.
No, No, and thrice...NO
‘ Personally I don’t think that a message from the queen at this time would do much to help the present situation‘

How so?
cassa, Sis and I discussed that the other day....could also be the reason that the baby didn't return to the country with them. I believe that LA has many big estates around the actual city where it would be possible to stay safe. In Canada, private security staff are generally not allowed to be armed but in the USA, they are. I am not sure what the Queen knew or thought about how bad it would get but it might have been thought to be a sensible precaution.
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Wouldn't do anything for me personally, but there are times when it's appropriate for the Queen (or a stand-in) to be the voice of the nation, as it can shape the public mood. Like when the Queen gave the speech about Princess Diana.

Or when she //didn't// say anything after Aberfan.

Without a public broadcast, some may ask, "Well, what's the point of the Royal Family?"
SP. I bet she's jolly glad of the rest from official duties at her age and I for one don't begrudge her that for one minute. I guess she will address the nation when and if her and her officials think the time is right. As this horror isn't going to be over in five minutes, choosing the right time will take some thinking about. As it's not compulsory to listen to it I don't know why some people get so chippy over it.
LB it’s amazing how many snide remarks come out when there’s a thread about this lovely 94 year old lady , I’m with you, let her rest
Usual suspects Bobbi. She can address the nation and tell us, what a annus horriblis the world has suffered, at Christmas time. Hopefully that will be a time to reflex on what was, remember loved ones lost, and get absolutely pizzed.
I cannot get my head round the total disrespect for a very old lady, same on the Vera Lynn posts,FGS she’s not Royalty but she’s 103 !!!
I agree.
I couldn’t possibly care any less if I tried.

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