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Duffy Reveals More Details Of Ordeal...

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Mozz71 | 04:01 Mon 06th Apr 2020 | News
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As per my previous post about the sexual abuse suffered by the singer Duffy, she's, as she said she would, released details of her ordeal.

Poor girl :-(


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Once again the downside of mass communication rears its ugly head. It gives Duffy the chance for a cathartic opportunity to tell of her ordeal, which I really hope is good for her. Personally, I doubt the wisdom of doing so, because it lays her open to exactly the sort of cynical responses posted on here - people looking to 'reason out' the 'flaws' in her story,...
12:51 Mon 06th Apr 2020
Nobody seems to have gone for the obvious.

Billionaire pervert with superyacht moored, waiting to spirit victims away to places unknown, under the radar and few questions asked.

Not all travel is public and if this event did take place then normal points of exit and entry were unlikely to be used.

Just saying.
Have we all received Cautions , or just some of us?
Best ask Andy that one. Think its only those whose opinions don't correlate with his.
Like so many self-styled celebrities, she sounds a bit narcissistic, but there again so is POTUS.

This personality trait doesn't necessarily mean she is lying about this episode however, and people who have never experienced such traumatic events should not be too quick to criticise her.

And seeing some of the remarks being made about her here (and elsewhere) perhaps it is hardly surprising she shies away from excessive revelations.

My sympathies are currently entirely with her, she needs help not harassment.
Last time I received a caution it was for driving at 34 mph in a 30mph zone.
Well, her story has got you lot talking about it.
Canary one does not have to have suffered a traumatic event before one can comment on it. I agree with you in that she needs some professional help, but for what ever her reasons, she decided to open up on a very public platform and I'm sorry but what did she expect?
I've scanned Site Rules and can find nothing about cautions under sanctions-real or imagined so I guess we're all safe.

For the meantime. :-)
APG - // One persons 'Lofty cynical criticism' is another persons 'Free debate' //

And always has been - but I am simply suggesting a little thought for some of the people on here who might be affected by this thread - nothing more than that.
APG - // Best ask Andy that one. Think its only those whose opinions don't correlate with his. //

I have suggested a little care and thought - if you want to make fun of me over that, you go right ahead, I couldn't care less.
APG - // ... and I'm sorry but what did she expect? //

Why are you apologizing - don't you have the courage to stand by your posts?
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Good forbid you or anyone else should believe the claims of a young woman without needing to question her integrity Andy.

That's not the way of AB.
If this happened then I feel sorry for her. If this didn't happen then I feel even more sorry for her. Either way she obviously needs help.
Mozz some folks can put hysterical emotion aside and explore the facts. This does not mean they have less sympathy for the obvious pain this woman is in. She needs help which she will not find on Instagram. Sympathy is not help.
BAKERSDOZEN well said!
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No Polly, but then it is a human trait that some people here seem to not only lack, but to openly scorn anyone else showing it.

I agree she needs help to deal with her ordeal, and her likely PTSD she is suffering, but casting shade on her actions help her even less.
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Agreed BD, I hope she gets that help.
What on earth does she hope to gain by telling all and sundry about her ordeal but not wanting to name the rapist?
How long before someone names him. ?She says it happened after her birthday party so surely there would be other people celebrating it with her. Someone must know who it is.I don't see the logic in what she is doing .
PTSS? Normally that's internalised, those suffering from PTSS rarely advertise it on Instagram or anywhere else for that matter.
I'm really struggling with this bizarre story. She was in a restaurant celebrating her birthday - presumably with friends and family - and she's drugged and kidnapped. So no one tried to intervene and no one reported her missing for the 4 weeks she claims this ordeal lasted? And how did the kidnapper get her out of the country? And are we meant to believe one person did this single-handedly?

My heart would go out to anyone who was raped or abused in such a manner but my gut instinct here is telling me that there's something not right with this story.

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