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Five Weeks Of Lies

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teacake44 | 21:39 Fri 17th Apr 2020 | News
265 Answers
For five weeks now Matt Hancock has insisted that there wasn't a shortage of PPE, nearly every hospital and care home in the country was saying there was, he also insisted that it was a logistical problem only, and that was with 20 thousand army personal drivers ready to deliver. When the army joined us, we were told, this is what the army are brilliant at ( logistics ) ?

Today he says he wished he had a magic wand to produce PPE. When will Mr Hancock face up to the fact that the UK was oh so slow off the starting block, and the cost of that, was peoples lives, especially NHS lives. When will he start telling the truth, ( never).

They've also been telling us that we don't need to wear a face mask,(now their thinking about it), but waiting for the science to tell them. Common sense tells me that face masks can help stop the spread of the virus, if they didn't, then the rest of the world wouldn't be wearing them, or nurses wearing them in hospital or care homes, ( when they can get them) We all know about the top of the range mask that they need to wear in ITC, but the rest of the nurses are wearing bog standard face masks.

There are now UK manufactures pulling out all the stops to produce PPE, they say they have be ignored by Matt Hancock for weeks now, even after making it known to him that they could make what was required. How many more lives need to be lost before they supply the nation with face masks like every other country is doing.

I've changed my mind about Mr Hancock,( give someone a chance to get sorted,) he's had five weeks, and all we've had is five weeks of lies. Whatever advice he or the government give out, I for one will take with a pinch of salt, and do my own thing.


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teacake is definitely a gloom and doom merchant, as I have opined before, BUT I don't like Matt Hancock and don't think he's up to the job, so I agree with him here (for a change).
08:48 Sat 18th Apr 2020

Love it Deskdiary and Retro. Laugh at the *****( just saving the filter a job) Think Barry Welsh's Lord Mayor of Fishguard. :))
When we are IN the battle things can seem unclear, 'fog of war' and all the ensuing plausible deniability; the preparation and planning against such catastrophes need investigating :

"Labour has called on ministers to publish the suppressed conclusions of a cross-government pandemic drill that took place in 2016, which accurately predicted that the NHS would be plunged into crisis by an infectious and deadly disease"
You're in danger of being labelled 'anti British', sevenOP.
//"Labour has called on ministers to publish the suppressed conclusions of a cross-government pandemic drill that took place in 2016, which accurately predicted that the NHS would be plunged into crisis by an infectious and deadly disease"//

You don't say. Well I never. Was it just the NHS that was to be plunged(haha plunged) into a crisis......or all the hand wringing, rabbit in the headlights, echoes from the chamber of terminal dissonance, false reality images like your self? Have you waited all this time to re enact your wet dream or will you deign to succumb in a blaze of fluster and bluster to the realities as usual?

P.S A nuclear holocaust would be hard to bear......but we have planned for it. What are they doing for godssake. I want my bunker now.

It was very foolish of the Government not to have billions of PPE in storage ‘just in case’.

What an incredible lack of foresight. Surely they should have known we were going to get a pandemic.

They should be hanged etc...

Everyone kicked off about people stockpiling toilet rolls and pasta but expect the government to have a stockpile of every medical bit of kit.
five weeks of lies ?
that s nothing
Trump has been lying for four years and a lodda people on AB havent noticed !
ter daaah ! ay thenk yew
is the cygnus caroon contemperary
or was it done yesterday and is a skilful use of the see-back-ro - scope
well, yes, the argument was that if some people buy all the loo rolls there won't be any left for other people. But I don't think there'd be any objection if the NHS stockpiled medical kit, even when there wasn't a pandemic on.

To some extent you have to balance cost against likelihood of use, the way London Transport don't have much in the way of snow-clearing equipment. But even if there are fewer pandemics than blizzards, the potential effects are so much worse that I think there's a strong case for being a lot better prepared than they were.
sorry, that was in response to sherrardk
plenty of PPE and sanitisers down here, not least the Healeys (Rattler fame) using their gin machine to make sanitiser. They are best friends to my sister so she is happy washing her hands in gin and then drinking a G&T.....and they helped the Mater's home out - and others. My bet is that, yes, there are shortage hotspots but a lot, maybe the majority, have the necessary and what we are getting is Press negativeness that then rubs off on the likes of teacake.
//Everyone kicked off about people stockpiling toilet rolls and pasta but expect the government to have a stockpile of every medical bit of kit.//

That'll be the gits again.

Where are our Unicorn tears and Fairy faeces? Who has them hidden away? The same gits who herd the Glow Bulls?
cartoon done yesterday

I was going to ask him for stock market tips but I dont think I will bother. althooooooo - Laura K did stick her paw up at Boris's last press briefing and ask the PM if he were tired or had he got tested?"
observant Laura
Bob on DT.
I like the Matt cartoon, a badger with a shotgun confronting a hiker in the woods, "I'm sorry but this is the only way to stop the spread of coronavirus."
I don't think Mr Hancock will be singing along to this.
Constantly confusing reality with "doom-mongering" does you no favours. It's the most serious health crisis of modern times. Saying so it just simply stating a fact. No doom-mongering here.

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