Yes, thanks for reminding me about Dr Lee's earlier effort. I was particularly struck by his 30 March point that "We have yet to see any statistical evidence for excess deaths, in any part of the world."
Well, now we have, and it's pretty compelling. In the UK the mortality rate rose by 120% for two weeks in a row at least. In New York city they've seen an increase in deaths of as much as 386% on the background, and then that is data that only covers up to April 11th. If Dr Lee is so keen on advocating the idea that science moves, I wonder what he thinks of his position at the end of March. I suspect that he might want to revise it at least a little. And if nothing else, it suggests that as one statistical measure after another continues to show that Covid-19 is serious and deadly, some scientists will just move on to the next one in order to argue that it isn't so bad.
It's important to be wary of dogma. I've continued to argue for some time that the threat from Covid-19 is serious and that drastic measures need to be taken, and yes, there is a very strong chance that I've become so wedded to that view that I'll assess everything from that position. But so will Dr Lee, and so will those who agree with him, be vulnerable to the same dogma. It's not enough to question other people's position.