Have you heard the latest pearl of wisdom from the stable genius that is the president of the USA? They only have so many cases because they do so many tests("more than anyone")
The corollary is no tests equals no cases ergo problem solved.
The guy has the brain power of a gnat (apologies for insulting gnats every where)which says little for those who support and vote for him.
God help us all!
It seems that no matter how many times the Trump demonstrates to the world that he is a complete and utter bampot some people will continue to follow him. Let's hope they don't choke on their disinfectant. Facetious? me? perish the thought.
OK, let’s start again. Trump said that without tests their wouldn’t be any cases which is clearly, idiotic. But, given his past mangling of the English language, I agreed that he probably didn’t mean what he said.
I don’t have much time for someone who is the leader of the free world coming out with such stupid statements.
I hope that’s clarified my position.
// Definitely Eric Morecambe. He plays all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order.//
stanley unwin
[thinking of the co-coffee comments - or drink dettol it is good for you = note to Abers - dont drink dettol but coffee is OK so long as it is fresh and a decent roast]