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// I was thinking of an item on Radio 4s, The World at One, some time ago.//
and if you were a Trump employee ( which means in the federal govt hur hur hur) you would be mad to suggest it !
He is busy getting rid of old feds and putting in place-men
which means that if Biden gets in, he will have to fire them all over again
Oh, readers another first
previously the President ( Mr Trump that is!) was coming out with the usual - extending the overton window ( coming out with "Mehicans are all rapists" and he (trumpo se) "had built a great warl which had kept the chinese out and their viruses")
and the hacks sat there mute - showing THEY had not extended the overton window and said " really Mr President what a load of rot!"
and this time for the first time - they did
when he said - I take it!
there were howls of dismay and disbelief
for the first time - it hasnt happened before
Does anyone out there know who controls the White House feed? that is - is there a mute button a White House loyalist can press when the meeting doesnt go the presidents way?