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Mob Rule

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Theblip | 07:08 Tue 09th Jun 2020 | News
62 Answers
Have we now got to the point where mobs (however well-informed most of them really are) decide which historical figures are allowed to be commemorated by statues, road and building names, etc, and which should now be obliterated? If that is the case, where will it end? Gawd help this nation now unless the government gets a seriously strong grip


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AN example here.
I wonder what's going to happen to all the Black Boy pubs.
Law and order are breaking down here and the next step is Anarchy, I’ve just seen a video on FB where a young black girl screams at a Police officer , he tells her All lives matter and she’s heard screaming back at him,No, only black lives matter, that was Over the weekend and not fake news either
Is it now wrong to depict “people of colour” in any form? Personally, I would love to be immortalised, no matter how unflattering the depiction!
FF, there’s a pub called the Blackie Boy in the centre of Newcastle , it’s a very old pub , I wonder if that’ll be targeted now?
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Police refusing to prevent crime. And it gets worse.

Bristol has yet another useless mayor; this one feels no sense of loss over toppled statue, according to the BBC headline. How about authority's loss of control over the mob ? Not to mention the loss of decent behaviour resulting from allowing precedents which will encourage further lawless behaviour. Or the public's apparent loss of an authority figure that is against vandalism and specifically the wrecking of stautes of benefactors to the very city that the authority is supposed to be running ?

I want to know if he's provided funding yet to fish the statue out of the river, restore it, and return it to it's plinth. And if not, why not.
Old geezer

The statue is going to be recovered and put in a museum apparently.
Danchip and how costly will that be?
// The statue is going to be recovered and put in a museum apparently. //

It still means the vandalism is approved of. The statue should be replaced in its plinth and the moving it to a museum discussed and a democratic agreement reached as to its final home.
I thought Boris's government would get 'a seriously strong grip' on everything and not let mob rule win. I thought he was going to be a strong PM and stick up for this country and I also thought he had the cabinet to do it - seems I was wrong. Don't make me sorry I voted for you Boris! All we ever seem to do is pander to the minority, I was hoping all this would stop.
As I have said before, the Colston issue is of longstanding in Bristol....some 50 years in fact.
IF Boris and The Con Party Don't "Get a Grip" of this Lot, Pretty Sharpish, it will be their downfall.
Is your caps lock faulty, gulliver?.
What do you mean by "Get a grip". That doesn't seem to be the view shared by the left but maybe I'm wrong

//As I have said before, the Colston issue is of longstanding in Bristol....some 50 years in fact. //

Indeed it seems to have been a simmering issue for a long time. I believe I read there had been a petition to remove it and 2% of the population of Bristol indicated they wished it to be removed. That was a large majority of Bristolians who thought it should remain. If that is correct then it is a prime example of how these anarchic thugs and vandals believe how democracy works. 'My Way or No Way'.
....................Where is Boris........??????
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Perhaps you could all form a protest group and take to the streets with you placards proclaiming

For some reason this has disappeared off latest posts. Maybe my posting will put it back

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