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There are four more years to go, though, and that's plenty of time for the Government to show me I'm wrong. I hope I'll be able to feel stupid come the next election.
Doubtless you could point me in a lot of directions, Jim - but that doesn't detract from the fact that your post was grossly unfair - and the links you provided didn't support your claim. Like it or not it's called spin!
//I hope I'll be able to feel stupid come the next election. //

I hope so too.
Spin is defined as "knowingly" distorting the truth. If you'd called me just wrong that would have been fine.
But you do know it hasn't burned through ALL it's goodwill. Nevertheless that's what you said. Spin.
What sort of P/M wants to keep the shady characters in his GOVt, e/g
Cummings and Jenrick for two . Not saying much for Johnsons Character is it.
We're all in this together , chums.
Jim, that is your interpretation, but there is another that fits you:-
//In public relations and politics, spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through knowingly providing a biased interpretation of an event //
Yes, it's the intent I'm talking about though, isn't it danny? I never intend to distort. Ever.
// But you do know it hasn't burned through ALL it's [sic] goodwill. Nevertheless that's what you said. Spin. //

That's called rhetoric.
Jim // I never intend to distort. Ever.//
Not the impression that emanates from your posts.I may be wrong , but...
But you are :)
//That's called rhetoric. //


Strange how many people 'misunderstand' you - allegedly.
Strange how many also understand me perfectly. One could be forgiven for thinking that you speak for everybody based on that last post.

If only there were a word for knowingly distorting the situation...
//One could be forgiven for thinking that you speak for everybody based on that last post. //

You're exaggerating again, Jim. There's been no mention of everybody - but there are two on this very page you're accusing of misunderstanding you.
Indeed. One who demonstrably keeps misunderstanding me frequently when my intention was perfectly clear, and another who does the same. I pointed out before how danny once responded to my suggestion that Margaret Thatcher might have done a good job of responding to a pandemic as "typical of [my] political allegiance" -- which, I think you'll agree, is a bizarre claim.
Jim, can you provide a link to your last post?
Do yourself a favour, Jim. Don't ever consider going into politics.
Think you ought to stick to your daytime job also.
Why ever not? If I were indeed a constant spinner* I'd be suitably qualified for politics.

*I was going to say a master of spinning but I think you would dispute the "master" part at least...

Jim, so I was responding to a post by Naomi, not you.

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