Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Smoking Outside Pubs, Cafes Etc.
Just interested in who would agree with this amendment.
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"That 1 in 4000 will soon be a percentage of the past in the coming weeks." I totally agree - I reckon 1 in 5000 in a couple of weeks. "NJ - I've thought it through enough and I'm happy with those thoughts, thank you!" Why do you get so touchy? You do understand this is an anonymous interweb site don't you? Why would you care what another poster says? There's a few on...
17:06 Sat 18th Jul 2020
Well I suppose the saddos have to go somewhere. I would like to be able to sit outside again when the weather is nice but I'll settle for getting them outside rather than in any day. I just wish they could learn to use a bin. I just can't fathom why all smoking areas turn into a pig sty knee deep in smoking paraphernalia, do they do that at home?
marge 13:56, I always imagine them like this:
https:/ /i.dail ymail.c o.uk/i/ pix/201 5/12/07 /15/2F2 40EE700 000578- 0-image -a-53_1 4495017 05474.j pg
Most of the pubs we visit have good sized gardens with smoking areas designated outside,so its possible to escape from smoke. They can't smoke in other areas of the garden. I was thinking more of town pubs and how awful it must be want to sit in a relatively small area with smokers standing or sitting 1/2 metres away.
I have never in the last half century witnessed crowded smoking areas, but then I have avoided large towns and cities for years now! I haven't got any friends or relations who smoke. (Except for a couple who smoke, but not tobacco). I rather like the smell of their smoke!
I have never in the last half century witnessed crowded smoking areas, but then I have avoided large towns and cities for years now! I haven't got any friends or relations who smoke. (Except for a couple who smoke, but not tobacco). I rather like the smell of their smoke!
ummm, I have never seen a smoking area that wasn't like a pig sty, not just in pubs, even the smoking shed at work is disgusting, the stench and carp everywhere is awful and I'm only walking past it. What pub have you been to that doesn't have that? PS I don't believe you, it is a scientific fact that smokers are in capable of using a bin.