melv silent fireworks don't exist.
There is no such thing as silent fireworks. This is copied from the government report.
Steve Raper, Vice Chairman of the British Fireworks Association, emphasised there were technical limitations on reducing noise from fireworks. He told us that:
"You cannot have an absolutely quiet firework. The lifting charge on a firework for a shot tube is about 95 decibels, and that is just the cartridge being ejected into the air."
If you don’t believe the British Fireworks Association then click on this fact checker.
Steve Raper is the Chairman of the BFA. His job is to keep his members in business. If there were silent fireworks, don't you think he and his members would be making them and selling them as hard as they could?
There are quieter fireworks and we are not being pedantic in splitting these two words. IF people believe there are SILENT fireworks they will believe they are the solution. Obviously they are NOT. For many reasons, not just the bang, although it would be great if that was removed, but they would not satisfy the ardent firework lovers. It would still be impossible to police the use of them and 365 days a year would still be legal.
PS. QuietER fireworks have been available for many years.
95 decibels is the same volume, roughly as being stood by the side of the road as a large motorbike goes past.
The "bang" is the propelling mechnism that gets the pack into the sky and the subsequent bangs propel the coloured bits out of the pachaging. No bang, no propulsion.