history will show - - -
things cd have been conducted much better
I think May conceded things in good faith and all that happened is that they wanted more on the next round ....
Trump abrogated some treaty and no one said boo!
I think there has been bad faith on both sides - the one I heard was that Barnier who I dont regard as that bright said
delay too much and you wont eat !
and this is designed to stop that
[I have been involved in bad faith negotiations and the next time you cant get anyone to do anything because they think they are going to get shafted again, if they concede in good will] - something which is totally predictable and I warned them about ....
( I retired)
Boris is justified in what he is going
Good knows why the mandarin felt he had to go.
in 1973 the opposition said they would indemnify the Clay Cross Councillors if they disobeyed legislation
and no civil servant committed hara kiri
the new attorney general went - I cant remember his name(*)
here is some blah-blah in the commons about it
(*) on the obvious grounds that no legislator to be elected should say "oh but dont obey those laws obnly obey mine!"