//NJ@ 11.25 If you have little else to do, or at a loose end, feel free to scroll through all the posts over the last 8/9 months..//
I have neither the time nor the inclination to do that. I've followed most of the Covid threads and I cannot recall any posts which suggested the elderly should be "sacrificed." You suggested there were such posts and unless you can find any I'll continue my belief that there were few, if any.
What you may find are some that suggest the vulnerable (who are not exclusively elderly) are the ones who should receive targeted protection to keep them safe (if indeed that's what they want). Then those not at risk of serious symptoms can get on with their lives (which for some of them will involve helping to provide the targeted protection needed by the vulnerable).
To expect those not vulnerable to developing serious symptoms to effectively put their lives on hold to protect the minority who are (and to pay for the mess thus created for the rest of their lives) is a step too far. But that view does not suggest the elderly should be "sacrificed" and I can't recall anybody suggesting such a thing.
I read quite a witty remark today. Mr Johnson is now, once again, forcing the population into hibernation (and businesses into bankruptcy) to "protect the NHS." The writer suggested that, had this been 1940, the Prime Minister would have grounded Fighter Command in order to "protect the Royal Air Force."