Sound thinking, gulliver.
a) Brexit was about 2 things.
1, getting rid of the foreigners. It AIN'T happened, and it's not going to happen. Brexiteers, in their simplicity, saw hordes of brown and black people somehow disappearing from their streets. Forget it!
2, smacking the 'metropolitan elite' in the nose.
Fair enough, the London elite HAS ignored the North, the North West, the North East, and so on and so on - but only as they ignore the working-classes generally! It's not a personal thing against northerners, chums.
And the ignoring of the working-classes will continue!
Sort out your heads! It's not about Brexit, it's about the rotten class-based economic system we live in. Get that right, and we can ALL live a good life, whatever shade of pink (or black) we happen to be.