roy - // 20:37 Wed 02nd Dec 2020
Why do you continue to misconstrue my use of the word 'bold?
It's almost as if you are trolling. //
Almost a coward, maybe a liar, now perhaps a troll - you really have a low opinion of me don't you!
Leaving that aside, I perhaps did not make my point clearly.
My post has nothing at all to do with your use (or misuse) of the word 'bold' - merely the sentiment you expressed with it.
Yesterday you were keen to advise that you thought Tora was 'bold' to post as he did. but today, you are saying that thinking about a situation and posting about that situation, which Tora did, are two different things.
Now that is a turnaround in terms of what you said last night, compared to what you are saying tonight, and to be clear, the terms in which you expressed your view are not in dispute, merely the fact that you have totally gone back on what you said.
That's not trolling, or being a coward, or being a liar - that's just picking up the point you made then - and now.