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Paigntonian | 17:22 Wed 23rd Dec 2020 | News
73 Answers
While it became eventually true that the Labour Party and its supporters fell out of love with Foot, Kinnock, Blair, Brown, Miliband, and Corbyn I sense that they are already disappointed with Starmer. He has, to quote someone else, the charisma of a damp rag.


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Disregarding any polices any party may have, a leader in my opinion has to be liked in many ways before people vote for them, I'm not and never will be that interested in politics, but I don't think many like Starmer, and for sure he won't drum up much support in his cheap remarks regarding the present problems.
17:41 Wed 23rd Dec 2020
I didn't say they were Tory, I said they were Tory lite, they captured the centre ground whilst the Lib NonDems moved to the left. yes they did some trendy things like pretending to ban fox hunting and allowing gay propaganda etc, to keep TROB happy, but it's what they didn't do that is more revealing. When "Labour" got into no 10 the hard left union loonies must have been looking forward to getting there old toys back but I don't think they realised that Blair was a Thatcherite, oops!
// It is true that blair left thatcher's economy alone (proved to be a mistake - it blew up on its own in 2008) //

Not quite sure what that means?

Thatcher deregulated the City. The rest of the world was doing the same to their financial sector. Blair didn’t reform that. No one did. The financial crash hit everyone and it was just bad luck on those in charge at the time (all over the world).
Some Blair policies were more Thatcherite than Mrs T.
PFI was very unsocialist. (And that one was a big mistake, except it blew up in Osborne's face not Browns).
All parties fall out it live with their leaders eventually.
Keir Starmer appears to be doing well in the polls and compares favourably to the PM.
Unless your sense is based on some news item you again have again failed to post a link to.
“ his cheap remarks regarding the present problems.”

That’s quite ironic coming from someone who has possibly moaned more about Boris Johnson and his doings than just about anyone here!
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ich: There you go again. I just assume people know what day it is. Maybe I should remind or inform people.

The notion that Blair wasn’t a Labour Prime Minister is very silly.

Parties have always shifted focus to capture votes from their opponents.
Heath was more socialist than Blair. Cameron was Labour Lite.
I don’t mean to be rude, but your entire point is based on
a “feeling” you have.
Why do you sense Labour supporters have “fallen out of love” with Starmer. I’m not sure they were ever in love with him to start with. He’s not that sort of politician. Naturally the Corbynites don’t like him but then they never did.
I am astounded at the amount of interest the alleged dullness of Keir Starmer has generated. Most of it seems to come from his opponents :-)
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ich: Yes, just a feeling of little import.
Heath more socialist , he was the moron who got us into this mess in the first place, a Europhile,
You need to explain to Tora emmie that you started voting Tory when Blair came along. That’ll confuse him :-)
I have voted Tory for a long while, i certainly wouldn;t have voted for Blair even if i had been a Labour voter, didn't trust him then nor now.

It was Naomi who voted for Blair.
Oh, and 13,518,166 other people.
Why are you telling me ?
"allowing gay propaganda"

True colours revealed. What an ignorant thing to say.
that's what section 28 was all about me old china, truth hurting is it?
Tora, wasn't clause 28 (it was a long time ago, so my memory might be rusty) a ban on depicting homosexuality positively in schools? Not wanting to be shown as abnormal was hardly "gay propaganda". As for the fox hunting ban? I never had you down with the tally-ho brigade, but there you go.
I'm no fan of fox hunting but Blair failed to effectively ban it. It's illegal to set out to kill a fox but if one gets killed whilst drag hunting etc then that's ok. So in effect it's very difficult to prosecute.
"Tora, wasn't clause 28 (it was a long time ago, so my memory might be rusty) a ban on depicting homosexuality positively in schools? " - yes but TROB et al always mis portrayed it as a banned subject which was not true.
S28 left the definition of "promotion" deliberately undefined with the intention of quashing discussion of the subject in schools and maintaining deniability - much as Putin's "gay propagandalaw" did some years ago.... might not be significant to you tora but those laws did a huge amount of unnecessary harm and you would know that if you had done any research. in any case it was a very very tory law - the tories were then a party of raging homophobes - and new labour getting rid of it was a very un-tory thing to do.

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