Twitching & Birdwatching2 mins ago
For Those Who Think Fireworks Should Not Be Subject To Licence!
This article shows the video of the birds in flight....
18:11 Sat 02nd Jan 2021
Rome is probably full of cats and dogs and bunny rabbits and rabbits. No reported fatalities of those.
Dying of fright actually means they had heart attacks. Even if a bang did scare the birds, it is unlikely that thousands simultaneously had heart attacks. More likely a toxic gas or pollutant caused this.
Dying of fright actually means they had heart attacks. Even if a bang did scare the birds, it is unlikely that thousands simultaneously had heart attacks. More likely a toxic gas or pollutant caused this.
// As of 24 December 2020, the Italian Veterinary Authorities confirmed the positivity to the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus of subtype H5 in wild birds. Below the updated list of the HPAI viruses of the subtype H5 (H5N1, H5N5 and H5N8) as characterized in cloacal, tracheal and feather swabs from different wild birds species shot in hunting areas, or cloacal and tracheal swabs from wild birds found muribund or sampled intra vitam in northeast Italy. //
And the method for preventing bird flu is the culling of birds.
And the method for preventing bird flu is the culling of birds.
It does say mostly starlings.
https:/ /news.s story/h undreds -of-roo sting-s tarling s-die-a fter-fi reworks -set-of f-in-ro me-1217 6917
This article shows the video of the birds in flight.
https:/ /twitte ustvbi/ status/ 1344844 4416731 50469?r ef_src= twsrc%5 Etfw%7C twcamp% 5Etweet embed%7 Ctwterm %5E1345 0991922 2253977 8%7Ctwg r%5E%7C twcon%5 Es3_&am p;ref_u rl=http s%3A%2F %2Fwww. wantedi nrome.c om%2Fne ws%2Fro me-stre et-cove red-in- dead-bi rds-aft er-new- year-fi reworks .html
// The fact that from around a million to 5 millions of starlings choose the city of Rome as their wintering ground might appear as a blessing, but there is another side of it. To view such a numerous birds' congregation hurling in unison over Roman domes is great, but remember that birds also have their natural needs, and it's not very pleasant to live in a city drowned in starlings' droppings. Besides, birds' poop corrodes monuments and creates slippery roads, which leads to accidents. It would be more bearable if the birds stopped by for a short period, but this is the entire winter, and sometimes even longer. Therefore, to some Romans the starlings' visit is, to be honest, unwanted. //
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