also NO-ONE is supporting or sympathising with this woman - at all - people are just discussing the situation, when i said she doesnt know whats goign on, i dont mean she just doesnt know shes getting put to death, i mean she doesnt know what day it is, shes utterly out of her mind, totally absent.
not that that makes any difference to anything - she still did what she did.
people are discussing it, not to excuse her actions but just to discuss how she cam to do what she did.
there is literally nothing in the world that cam excuse what she did, no amount of past torment or suffering excuses it - but people are interested in what drives these people to this point, its interesting, and sure, if she had a terrible life of suffering & torment then thats sad for her and she didnt deserve that - but again acknowledging that stuff in her life led her to this horrifying act doesnt mean people sympathise or want to help her or anything
people rarely do ordinary things for no reason, so why would anyone assume they'd do utterly psychotic abhorrent things for no reason?
there are always reasons, always a history, always something pushing them.
but reasons are reasons, not excuses, no amount of reasons make allowances for what she did