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Is The Proposed 1% Rise For Nhs Workers Fair?

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dave50 | 09:20 Fri 05th Mar 2021 | News
86 Answers
Considering what's been going on over the past year, the billions spent supporting the economy and the number of unemployed going through the roof when furlough ends, I think it is. The public sector as usual has been protected from harsh economic reality so none of them can hardly complain. Also there's the usual gushing and worship of the NHS which is used by vested interests to cloud the issue with emotion.


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yes it's fair, they are lucky to get anything, they've been doing great but they are not the only ones. Millions are down 20% millions are down 100%, thousands of firms have gone to the wall.
and the preferred measure is CPI not RPI.
I think you made a typo Danny!
Danny I haven't mentioned your tax code.
It was me.
Be fair, they had a weekly clap too.
Not to mention all the supportive graffiti expressing thanks.
Cashier/.Davebro. Your tax coide indicates the amoiut of tax free income ergo a change from 477 to 437 means that you pay more tax.
Danny - check the numbers you quoted at 9:32.
bhg, I have checked them, last year 477 this year 437.
That's not what you typed, Danny.
Yr def not with it this morning Danny!

"my tax code for 2021/2022 which 743l as opposed to 477l last year."

danny is so good at crosswords that he's typed in an anagram of the correct number.
bhg, I typed for 2021/2022 which 743l as opposed to 477l last year. How is that incorrect?
Anyway a reduced code simply means that more allowances have been allocated against income not taxed at source such as state pension - so that income must have increased.
Oh God, just seen it , sorry, 743l should be 437l.
Dave see my post at 09.59
Eh danny?.. So this year is 743l
Prudie, yes that is the amount I can earn before paying tax.
Prudie - see danny's correction at 10:13.

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