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teacake44 | 14:52 Fri 05th Mar 2021 | News
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Boris Johnson ‘misled parliament’ over Covid contracts, court order shows


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apc 16:38, BA right there.
19.28, Well after all it is the Con Club.
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Looks like Matt is getting a string of pubs lined up for when he comes out the door of number 10 with his matchbox, sorry cardboard box.
It won't be long before Matt gets the push.
gully, you should be more concerned about where they will find the 4th Labour leader in history to win an election in 121 years.
Still not considering Blair as Labour then Tora?
he was a thatcherite mozz, how can he be labour? Even if i did 4 in 120 years?? not much of a record?
Think Richi is a threat to Doris , he will probably have to go also.
In fairness Tora, he was a fraud, a sycophant to the U.S. President and a war criminal.

Sounds like a Tory to me too.
21.10, I thought TGL , "The Ghastly Lady"would come into this thread eventually, after all it is sat night .

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