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Stripped Of Their Title?

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smurfchops | 12:08 Wed 10th Mar 2021 | News
197 Answers
Harry and Meghan. Yes or no?


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Perhaps, instead of stripping Haz and Meg of their title, the Palace could simply confer one onto (Sir?!) Thomas Markle for his contribution to the entertainment industry.
Harry swore the same oath of allegiance to the Queen as I did. It requires support for the Queen and her heirs and successors. In Harry’s care that means his grandmother, father and brother. His interview hardly demonstrated support.


Well said, McMouse
I'd have some grudging respect for them if they renounced their titles voluntarily.
Can't do that - she'd complain!
No, they shouldn't be. They are who they are. I loved the Palace response of "recollections may vary" lol. But Harry is still the grandson of the Queen and that isn't a democracy.
when in practice - I reminded the boys and girls that was why we keep written notes - memories are at fault

no one ( besides Piers Moron whom I still think engineered a bolt hole before spontaneously exploding ) has pointed out it was he said she said ( thx to Judge Judy) and hearsay of the most general kind ( me)
surely it is time to allow this publicity shy couple to work out their differences outside of the glare of high intensity press activity
Meghan has now complained to ITV about Piers Morgan’s comments on the interview. Can’t post a link.
aternatively, perhaps members of the public who are outraged by them could just stop commenting on their every word, and turn over to watch Taskmaster instead?
I've looked through all the answers on this thread, and quite honestly, all the likely suspects have taken up the position I'd expected them too before the interviewed aired. However, after careful consideration, I'm throwing my considerable weight behind one person whose calm and measured response I agree with wholeheartedly:

anneasquith //don't care//

I really couldn't give a flying fart what they are allowed to call themselves. It's irrelevant to my life.and to the lives of everyone else on here.
speak for yourself, Mozz, I was rather hoping to get my hands on the Sussex dukedom (or is it duchessdom?) myself, so it has a major bearing on my future plans
meghan complained about piers mmm she does not even live here
i wonder if she complains about any other world talk show host or reporter or is it selective to only the uk...perhaps no milage in it for her, look at me being abused by that reporter im soweto...where?
Let's face it, Morgan has had it in for Markle ever since she 'ghosted' him, allegedly. Then she went and said some harsh things against Trump when he and Morgan were BFFs. He has railed against her ever since.
Racism is a massive wealth generating industry, and keeping the pot boiling is in the interests of celebrity, and the Duchess of Netflix is an expert in using it for self promotion.
Isn't it a joke how Harry and Meghan have criticised our country regarding colonialism, and made pledges of service.
I have no doubt that the titles should be removed.
Mozz, you might not care about anyone other than yourself but some do. The way these two have treated our queen and this country sickens me. Loyalty, patriotism and a preference for truth are all at a premium around here - and it’s always the usual suspects eager to criticise this country and the establishment who fail in those qualities.
That’s it Bobbi. Thanks.
//Mozz, you might not care about anyone other than yourself but some do.//

Not at all dear, I care deeply about others. I just don't care about what H&M get to call themselves. If there's one thing we've all learned about HRH, is that she's strong and resolute enough to take care of herself and her interests. It seems the she's one of the few who still has a good relationship with the Sussexes. They made it clear that they had no beef with her or Phillip in the interview.

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