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Tsk, Tsk Poor Euro ?

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Bobbisox1 | 19:39 Wed 17th Mar 2021 | News
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Stamping their feet till they get what they want because they were so slow out of the torsos


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" we will use every tool at our disposal to block the exports going to those that have vaccinated more that the rest of Europe" Which sums up the attitude of our "Friends in Europe" perfectly. Since, because of their ineptitude, they cannot catch up with the best, the best must be reduced to the level of the worst (them). Their recent suspension of the AZ vaccine...
20:28 Wed 17th Mar 2021
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Torso? :0/
Traps ( pre text )
It's pretty obvious that the AV jabs put on hold by the EU is to cover their blunders. Ursula and co have puts lives at risks to cover themselves though. And that is sad.
Let me get this straight, she's complaining that we are not sending vaccines which they don't want to use, is that right?
stop it! my sides are splitting!
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That's exactly what I gleaned from seeing her
" we will use every tool at our disposal to block the exports going to those that have vaccinated more that the rest of Europe"
Aww diddums
Did you watch the EU briefing on the TV this morning? Ursula said that AZ hadn't fulfilled their contractual obligations as far as vaccinations are concerned. There are always two sides to every story.
but why should she care if they don't want it?
Talk about panic when in the in the headlights. Is the "German socialist" Von Der Leyen really going to invoke war conditions policies across the EUSSR? She looks to be about to set in motion, actions allowed under article 122 which were last used in the 1970s when the 3 day week and the "oil crisis" were giving us all an attack of the vapours. If she does, is that an admission(some of us don't need it) that they consider themselves at war with us again? The Italians have already had a rebuke for admitting that the ban on the vaccine is a political one and not a medical one. Blood clotting after the Astra jab are, it now seems lower, than the Pfizer jab and ... wait for it, people who have had no jab. Meanwhile ""Out of 62.2 million vaccine doses delivered to EU governments only 48 million have been used. Included in that total are almost 14.8 million AstraZeneca jabs, of which over half, (7.5 million) have not been used. Germany has received more than 3 million AstraZeneca jabs but has used only 1.3 million of them — less than half. France has been supplied with 2.4 million AstraZeneca doses but only 919,115 have been used.""

There you have it ... they don't want it, but insist that we cant have it, or anybody else for that matter. Wicked beyond belief. How glad are you now that we are out? The Dutch next I warrant. The ponzi scheme is doing what all of them do. Collapsing.
" we will use every tool at our disposal to block the exports going to those that have vaccinated more that the rest of Europe"

Which sums up the attitude of our "Friends in Europe" perfectly. Since, because of their ineptitude, they cannot catch up with the best, the best must be reduced to the level of the worst (them). Their recent suspension of the AZ vaccine is entirely down to their jurisprudence which dictates that all risk must be eliminated. Anything which presents the slightest risk must be banned until it is deemed 100% safe even though the ban may led to greater risk than continuing to use it.

The vaccine saga demonstrates perfectly why "Our Friends in Europe" are nothing of the sort.
unfortunately, Britain may need the vaccine. Under-50s are going to be waiting an extra month because of shortages.

AZ haven't supplied the EU with the number they contracted for, but the EU has already exported 10 million doses to Britain since the start of February. I can see why they might feel all the sharing is one-way.
// she's complaining that we are not sending vaccines which they don't want to use, is that right?//

Poss, ......OR......

she's insisting that they wont send vaccines to us which they don't want to use, is that right?

either way interfering with contract seems fraught for the future to me
The EU hasn't exported anything anywhere. It is a Treaty organisation. It has no assets to export. Those doing the exporting are commercial companies who have the misfortune to be located in a country that is an EU member and with whom the UK government as entered into contracts.
Here's a thought, they use the vaccines made on the continent and we use the vaccines made in England.
If not clear before, the nature of the EU is now plain for all to see.

Seems they can't fool all of the people all of the time (but they're continuing to give it a darned good try).
I think that I am indeed coming around to accepting the theory that the Astra Zeneca vaccine causes clots. In the EUSSR control bubble and simpering pro EUSSR rear guard demolition squads.
Thank goodness we left this utterly ridiculous show.
Don't these vaccines have a very limited lifespan? Are those unused now any good?
I think there may be a few more citizens and states wondering whether to stay in the EU after this farce.
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It seems they (Euro dictators) would rather them be rendered useless than play ball with the UK JD
Jackdaw"Don't these vaccines have a very limited lifespan? Are those unused now any good?" I think it depends on how its been stored

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