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Stand By Your Man

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gulliver1 | 07:29 Sat 26th Jun 2021 | News
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Boris is standing by Hancock, and refuses to sack him after breaking Covid rules and a few others. Is it now time for the two of them to go. It's one rule for the Cons and another rule for the Public... enough is enough ..... They should both GO.


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At this time in politics the torys are Teflon coated. There is NO suitable opposition in parliament. The torys know this. So they can break the rules, as they wish because there are enough brainwashed muppets around to vote for them. Remember America voted Trump in . England voted Boris . Get vaccinated and hope for a better future.
11:24 Sat 26th Jun 2021
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Annesquith @ 12.24......... Best Answer......
Here am I thinking you knew everything political.
Take heart, anneasquith. Few of us are perfect.
Cabinet reshuffle next month.What are the odds against Hancock keeping his job.?
Blindly supporting your gov whether right or wrong, isn't that how the Nazis succeeded in ruling Germany? Ooops - Godwin's Law again!

We have the RIGHT to criticise and complain when they get things wrong & vote accordingly when the opportunity arises. This Hancock fiasco will have cost a lot of votes throughout the country.
@12.24.Yeah,Anne,and up here in Scotland Sturgeon got voted in also by a bunch of brain-washed muppets.Wouldnt you agree?
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12.37 Knowing how juvenile Boris is he will probably make Hancock Deputy P/M .
I am surprised that Boris is hanging on to Hancock - I can only assume it will be until the shuffle.

Boris needs no-one to tell him that Hancock's position is untenable now, his credibility is shot to pieces.

One thing, it makes July 19 set in stone - how on earth could the government talk about extending restrictions after this?
//how on earth could the government talk about extending restrictions after this? //

here's your starter for ten -

Dr Doom and Professor Gloom will big it up, and all of a sudden, freedom day becomes "tooooooo risky".
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Wonder who will win the Byelection on 1st july after this scandal , Annesquith wrote @12.24.
...."There are enough Brainwashed Muppets around to Vote Tory."...
I can only think of one brainwashed muppet.
What Boris is to thick to see, or cares to ignore, is that the more government is seen to do their own thing regardless of the laws they themselves have set, along with all the gold digging that's been going on under the cover of this pandemic, the more lawlessness will spread in public. I do wonder if the 3 million awarded to Matt's pub mate was to furnish a new love nest, after all Matt has had the perfect excuse for working late at the office for many months now. OMG my mind is working overtime. :0)))
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12.51 Danny, I have never really thought of you as a Brain washed Muppet .I always thought you had just Graduated from the ,
Conservative College of Radicalisation.
damn - it isnt end of - - see above
its end off
damn - sozza

yeah and whilst I am here and sober:
we should have known, as Hancock's usual excuse for being too busy was ...... I can't - I have my hands full !

we can only blame ourselves - each other
// Conservative College of Radicalisation.//

this is in the same category as Military intelligence ( The military arent intelligent ) or Postal Service ( there isnt one)

Nice to read that we are keeping this clean and no quick jabs - belwo the belt !
mushroom - // /how on earth could the government talk about extending restrictions after this? //

here's your starter for ten - //

It doesn't matter what the scientists say, the government makes the policy, and the government's credibility his holed beneath the waterline thanks to Hancock's antics.

If the government try and preach restrictions after this, just how many of the nation are going to feel motivated to comply?

hi moosheh - jump to Lambda - how day do dat den?

we have to expect mutations so long as its about
It's such a narrow definition of support, really. The Government has made mistakes, and they deserve to be called out for them, because those mistakes have in this case undoubtedly cost lives. Has the madness of the Government's approach in September-December already been forgotten? The desperate attempt to "save Christmas", that ended up certainly being at the cost of tens of thousands of lives when harsher measures were necessary? Or we can push back earlier, to February-March, when granted the errors were far more widespread than this country's Government, but an error repeated is still an error.

No, I don't envy this Government's position, or the Prime Minister's, who, lest we also forget, nearly paid for his arrogance and failures with his own life. But being faced with a near impossible task isn't an excuse to abandon accountability. Quite the opposite, in fact -- why would the one time you decide to set accountability aside be the one time it matters most?
AH //how many of the nation are going to feel motivated to comply?//
Surely to not comply would be cutting off their noses to spite their faces? Covid is still out there.

PHE said tests were ongoing and there is currently no evidence this variant causes more severe disease or renders vaccines less effective.

it is a voo-ey and not a VOC - under investigation ( = dont know ) instead of of concern ( = bad really bad but we dont know how bad)

lambda that is!

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