Nonsense. What's to be compassionate about? Sixty is below retirement age. Why shouldn't those still working pay for their medication? Too many people want something for nothing.
The free prescriptions used to be linked to pension age but of course, that is no longer the case.
As it is, only about 10% of people in England pay for their prescriptions at the moment.
Those that do have to pay can choose to pay £10.81 by monthly direct debit to cover all their prescriptions. Not a huge amount, is it?
Yes, I think that 85% of prescriptions are FREE and only a minority pay.
Also if you have certain chronic and on going conditions such as Hypothyroidism or Diabetes, ALL prescriptions related or unrelated to your approved disorder are FREE.
No Danny. I have severe asthma and have paid a fortune over the years. My asthma will never get better and could kill me if no medication especially if I get flu etc. Just one of those things.