Some years ago the newspapers published a similar story where the customer was portrayed as an angel and the DWP staff as evil. Do you think that I am evil?
The story in the newspaper was biased and distorted. Many facts were left out.
There are usually at least two sides to a story.
Ms Wyatt is why we absolutely must have a benefit system.
I fervently believe we must help the Ms Wyatt's of the world, and as an evil Tory, I am more than happy for the tax the Government takes from me goes to help people like Ms Wyatt.
Those who cannot help themselves deserve all the help society can give them. Those who choose not to work, but expect me to help them, frankly I couldn't give a tinkers stuff if they starved.
Perhaps if the Labour Party didnt appoint a totally useless,incompetent,inept terrorist ally like Corbyn people might have voted for the Labour Party.Having Old Steptoe in charge of a major British political party was always going to end in tears.
Oh dear......glad I logged off and had an early night now. I see that ah was in antagonistic mood once again. Rather than discuss your insult here what say we have further clarifications when I am visiting Porthill for a family event? So much easier to avoid misunderstandings in person don't you think?