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20 Years On.....

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ToraToraTora | 08:33 Mon 16th Aug 2021 | News
258 Answers
Knowing what we know now, what should the West have done in response to 9/11 and other atrocities?


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Noticed nearly all the people trying to escape at the airport were mainly men , and of a conscription age .
10:19 Tue 17th Aug 2021
-- answer removed --
No, I must be missing something, as well, Naomi.
Why do you say it's the same incident, gromit?
(not that it makes any real difference. dozens of women will be murdered by your new besties, minimum)
Must have been a difficult question. As you seem to know, 1ozzy, maybe you can explain?
Despite looking carefully, I can't "see a picture" of anyone that may have been murdered in the links provided by Danny. There is an image, of sorts, on the twitter link of a woman's legs that may be an injured or dead woman. I cannot however understand the accompanying posts to it, as they are in Arabic. Perhaps whoever posted the link here would interpret for us. It should come naturally I feel.
Unfortunately this shows that the Taleban may control Afghanistan but they don't really control the Taleban. That's the big problem.
I can't see the pictures referred to but probably not Arabic?

If you wait, there are a lot of interpreters on the way :-)
I think the Taliban are bad dudes, but I don't think they would shoot a woman for not wearing a burka. N.Y. Post, fake news.
hi Khandie
how ya getting on wiv weltanschauung today?
"delphic" was considered too hard for AB a few years ago

photo I saw - showed an aircraft hold full of mixed ( men and women)

BA for lozza - go girl!
DeedarKhan's comment is not Arabic - Dari/pushtu I think
Khandro, why do you think they wouldn’t do it?
danny; Whether it true or not I obviously don't know, but fake news, like bad news, travels fast.
I'll reserve judgement until I see it on a reputable MSM source where stories & sources are double-checked. It ain't on the Telegraph or BBC front pages for example, :0)
Khandro, don’t be so naive.
Danny's link ...

> So much for Taliban promises:_

... said ...

> A photo emerged of a woman in Takhar province lying in a pool of blood, with loved ones crouched around her, after she was killed by insurgents for being in public without a head covering, according to Fox News.

... and this linked to this Fox News article ...


... which showed the photo that the NY Post article referred to. And that was the photo that Gromit was talking about as being old.

Too hard to follow? I think not.
Neither of the 2 women tending to her are wearing burkas (the reason why this unfortunate woman was supposedly shot) It isn't in Kabul & we don't know when the photo was taken.
I shall wait, - & naomi, I'm far from naïve
If you think they wouldn’t do it then yes, you are naive.

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