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Feel Good Factor

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gulliver1 | 17:38 Fri 27th Aug 2021 | News
81 Answers
Now that Brexit is History, and Britain has taken back control of it's own Borders and surrounding Sea.
Stopped freedom of movement, Stopped immigration and curtailed refugees.
Everything in the Country is plentifull again . Britain is once again a powerfull nation on its own.
Is there now a mighty,..... Feel Good Factor...... all over the Country?.


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Well for months now, most on here were bashing Gully when he kept stating that Brexit would cause massive problems, mainly shortages to shops, that is now happening!! Then we had the ones that blamed covid, then we had ones blaming shortages of drivers. Well today the boss of Tescos has stated such, blaming Brexit. Any more bashing to be done???:0)
20:30 Fri 27th Aug 2021
Well the Strawberries have been crap this year, no one to pick them, and when they have reached the shops they've been on the verge of rotten. The best ones I've had are when I went to Scotland, but very few Scottish ones have reached the shops.
//Not just truck drivers but the thousands of NHS and other worker who have fled Britain since Brexit.//

And the 5 million or so who have applied for "settled" status?
//Well the Strawberries have been crap this year, no one to pick them, and when they have reached the shops they've been on the verge of rotten. The best ones I've had are when I went to Scotland, but very few Scottish ones have reached the shops.//

Plenty of nice strawberries available in Aldi - grower John Davies Herefordshire.
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12.43 and the 1 million that have been rejected.
When you notice that all the super-duper intelligent ABers are/were Remainers you must begin to doubt the wisdom of voting to leave.
best strawberries we had recently were from Norfolk, super duper -
//Thecorbyloon 11.46. They have some new rivers now so its cheaper by boat//
Hence, the shortage of HGV drivers. It's quite simple.
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13 .16, Thought didn't rise to the Bait.?
gulliver // and the 1 million that have been rejected.//

That's awful. I would have eaten them as long as they didn't have bugs on them and weren't mouldy.
//12.43 and the 1 million that have been rejected.//

And your source for that figure is....?

Up to 31st July (a month after the official closure date for the scheme) some 6,073,000 applications were received. Of these 464,000 were repeat applications from people who had submitted their claim more than once, so 5,609,000 individual applications were received. Around 109,000 (a little under 2%) have been refused so far. The final total is not yet available because the later applications have still not been concluded, but I don't see the figure of 1m being turned down anywhere. Unless, of course, you have more up to date information than this:
Its always been the case, and always will be, no one can admit on AB that they got it wrong. Gully got it right. It was the same when I kept saying Matt Hancock was telling lies for months. He was a cheat, very deceitful, a scam artist with tax payers money. They say hindsight is a wonderful thing, or that's what they keep saying on here, well if so I didn't see the womaniser side of him. Must pay more attention to my crystal ball, or look deeper next time. :0)
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13,31 t/c, I was also surprised any woman fancied that slimeball Hancock.
I don't think it is any surprise, tc, that the EU has and will continue to make it as difficult as possible for the UK to trade in a normal fashion. I'm certainly not surprised in the least - I expected nothing less and in fact my only surprise is that there have been as few problems as there have. Of course, anybody believing what politicians tell them only have themselves to blame for their disappointment.
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14,27 I don't usually read the drivel written on here by Rumpole,
but as this was one of his short postings I have.

"Of course anybody believing what politicians tell them only have themselves to blame for their disapointment".
Exactly,.... hence Brexit... ..soon disapointment.
You misunderstand me, Gully.

I knew what to expect following Brexit and it's turned out near enough as I thought it would (as I said, slightly better in some respects). I didn't listen to anything politicians told me either before the vote or since. My expectations were mine alone. I haven't listened seriously to a politician for thirty years or probably more. They promise you fifty pounds and deliver half hundredweight of poor quality topsoil.
//They promise you fifty pounds and deliver half hundredweight of poor quality topsoil.//

Plus manure !
Yes NJ if you believe any politician you will end up always sucking eggs. Regarding the EU doing all they can to obstruct the UK is also very true. The problem is Boris has not got a clue, or the strength to stand up to them, if there is a way of doing that?

There are no border checks in most of mainland Europe.

For goods that originate in the EU.

British goods do not.

You wrote:

//When you notice that all the super-duper intelligent ABers are/were Remainers you must begin to doubt the wisdom of voting to leave.//

Perhaps it's best to write like an adult rather than child.

You could suffix that with "Nyer nyer ne nery nyer".
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"Let's get Brexit done" said Boris, and you lot who listened to him certainly were done.....and dusted.

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