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Feel Good Factor

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gulliver1 | 17:38 Fri 27th Aug 2021 | News
81 Answers
Now that Brexit is History, and Britain has taken back control of it's own Borders and surrounding Sea.
Stopped freedom of movement, Stopped immigration and curtailed refugees.
Everything in the Country is plentifull again . Britain is once again a powerfull nation on its own.
Is there now a mighty,..... Feel Good Factor...... all over the Country?.


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Well for months now, most on here were bashing Gully when he kept stating that Brexit would cause massive problems, mainly shortages to shops, that is now happening!! Then we had the ones that blamed covid, then we had ones blaming shortages of drivers. Well today the boss of Tescos has stated such, blaming Brexit. Any more bashing to be done???:0)
20:30 Fri 27th Aug 2021

There are no border checks in most of mainland Europe.

For goods that originate in the EU.

British goods do not.//

I think we’re either at cross purposes or you are under a misunderstanding:

//If we have goods that have to be transported across multiple countries in the EU, we have to complete documentation that satisfies the border checks per country.//

There are no border checks “per country.” Whether UK goods enter the EU in France or in Poland, the checks are the same. And once they’re in, they’re in. There are no further checks. Perhaps I misunderstood what you were saying.

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