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Petrol Shortages

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maggiebee | 16:37 Fri 24th Sep 2021 | News
68 Answers
Just had an email from a friend to say her usual garage had no unleaded petrol today. Are people panic buying or is this the situation all over?


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21.23 You mean like unblocking a blockhead.
It's pretty much the same here, Tonyav, as about 35% of the price of gas is composed of federal, provincial, and municipal taxes.
Wonder how much it would cost without any taxes, sanmac.
about 80p/litre, Tony.....
That's a bit more like it, DT. I'd buy another V8.
I've just worked out that without the VAT and fuel duty, my local garage would charge roughly 49p a litre for petrol.
Even better. An American Hemi powered V8 muscle car for me ( if no VAT and fuel duty ).
petrol in Nigeria is about 30p a litre. No wonder they keep emailing me to offer me money, they must have trouble giving it away.
Here in B&H Unleaded cost £1.38/Litre and that was earlier this week. Daren't look now.
This can't be the same friend who, immediately after Brexit, gave you the impression that Brits in Greece were in a pickle for money because that one wasn't being honest. Yes, people are panic buying. That's a fact.
Ladybirder, you've mentioned B&H twice...What is it?
Brighton and Hove, sanmac.
Brighton and Hove, sanmac. LB lives in Brighton.
OK, thanks...That place with a beach comprised of stones right?:)
Yes ... big stones. The most uncomfortable beach imaginable! Not a shady palm tree or a bit of sand to be had. :o)
Excuse me! I live in HOVE Actually tut.
snigger, she's posh.
You know what, I've come across that expression before either on here or in a novel or a TV show: "Well eh, Hove, actually."

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