They are panic buying - the main road near me is totally blocked by motorists queueing for fuel from Morrison's. These people are trying to make sure that there is a shortage at the pumps.
It is down to lack of drivers to get the fuel from the refineries to the pumps.
People are panic buying, triggered by irresponsible reports in the usual places.
There's no shortage of fuel, just a few problems getting it tothe stations.
It'll be there soon enough but not for the boggle-eyed.
I was in Sainsbury’s this morning for diesel as I was on fumes, and didn’t have to wait, and didn’t brim it, but there was an rsole who having filled up with petrol, then started on the Jerry cans.
I’m at Gatwick at silly o’clock tomorrow morning, and my wife is driving me in her petrol car, so we’ll need to put some fuel in, but as it rarely gets used, I doubt we’ll brim it.
It’s like the penne and bog paper all over again - people are losing their minds and their selfish streak emerges.
There's no shortage of petrol, there's no drivers available to deliver fuel supplies and some petrol stations closed today although I've read earlier that BP, which runs about 1,200 petrol stations, has run out of either petrol or diesel in between 50-100 outlets (I don't have a link but I read that today )
We’ve had problems getting fuel on and off all summer. Nothing new for us in East Norfolk, with tourist numbers up and then needing to fill up after their long journeys here and again before they set off, plus the reduced deliveries, we’ve had to duck and dive for weeks. I have a meeting once a week in Suffolk so fill up there every fortnight. Full to the brim so hopefully this additional panic buyer will be over by the time I need more.
Boris is to do a U turn to plug the gap in petrol shortage ,by allowing E/U Drivers into the UK to help ...........But of course the shortage of drivers is nothing to do with Brexit ......LOL