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gulliver1 | 16:24 Mon 27th Sep 2021 | News
62 Answers
The sports wear firm Nike, warns the UK of a shortage of shoes , trainers, tracksuits, and comfort clothes...... OK we can do without most of their products , but still very concerning,.... what next!.


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Gully I'll take your advice , although I now heard oats are in short supply, thanks ;-)
Tried that on Page 1 APG, to no avail.
sorry :-)
Doesn't bother me, as you say we can do without their products.
As long as the official advice is,

"It is common practice to offer a link to the news article you would like to discuss."

folk can not insist on a link from the OP, especially when someone else has already done so.
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18 ,41 Had mine this morning Apg and hope for more tomorrow morning even if they are in short supply where you are.
Gully I've been stockpiling so not to worry, I prefer my oats in the evening though :-)
Another cracking thread about *** all.
I agree roy, would have been so much better if we knew what the OP wanted to talk about from the start. I still don't know!
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Apparently there is going to be a shortage of real christmas trees this year .and also beer supplies will be affected.
Ahhh no worries I’ve got a prelit one and beer wouldn’t bother us so it’s I’m alright Jack here :0)))
It just goes to show that global trade is good but we are dependant on the supplies getting here from overseas. I have always thought we should make everything ourselves.
//It Gets Worse//

How? Are you coming back?
// I agree roy, would have been better if we knew what the OP wanted to talk about from the start. I still don't know!//

well dont comment then, chrissakes
Can't you buy shoes online still?
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22.46 Videl, Yes if they have them in stock, but at the moment stocks are running low.
Oh well, as long as we can still get skechers.
They still have to travel Pixie.
no problems that i can see, i have been to any number of sports outlets recently and there were loads of Nike stuff on display, its just another bash at Brexit isn't it...
Probably is Emmie,
Way too much Nike rip off stuff on the shelves to start with.
If Nike go broke I won't be weeping into my porridge

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