Deskdairy - // AH - you think you have the answer, but you don’t. //
Then we can agree to differ.
// Educating aberrations will still make them aberrations. //
Obviously, some people are deeply disturbed, but it's the children and young me of the future whom I believe could benefit from some education, as I have outlined.
//I, and every man I know, has managed to go through life without thinking women deserve any sort of harassment, abuse, violence or rape, and you do our sex a disservice. //
I can only speak for myself, not every man I know, and I have done the same.
But the fact remains than an unacceptably large number of men regard women as a separate species, and treat the accordingly.
One of them is the numpty referred to in the OP.
It would be wonderful to think he is a minority, but regardless of our individual attitudes, you and I both know that he is not.