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When Charities Don't Want Charity

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naomi24 | 09:44 Sat 23rd Oct 2021 | News
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A group of rugby players who have been supporting a hospice been told that their attire is now unacceptable. Why? Because it might offend LGBT people. The chaps have chosen to support a different charity next year.

And the RNLI have axed an annual Yard of Ale contest for fear it may encourage binge drinking.

What happened to fun?


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There's bound to be someone at the hospice who would be offended by the word "stiff".
12:05 Sat 23rd Oct 2021
"Potentially offensive, might be offensive", statements made by hospice spokesperson, not, we have received complaints. They obviously seem more concerned about what might happen than continuing to receive what appears to be a good source of charity for their hospice, something they have been quite happy to receive over the past eighteen years. Another case of people being offended on behalf of other people who might be offended but probably aren't.
They say they receive complaints in a previous year. Not might, or potentially - they got complaints.

// "A few years ago we ran a fundraising event which involved men dressing up and we received complaints that we had upset members of the local community. //
"Leo Sayer All Dayer, named after the fact the group all have the same star sign"
eh? i'm being dim, but is that a complete non sequitor? surely it's named after the fact they go ona massive bender?
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A bit of both I guess, bednobs. All 'Leo' and all drinkers.

I just wish people would learn again how to laugh at 'daft'. What a sad world we're creating with all this 'offended' nonsense. Downright miserable. I'm with Stephen Fry when he said :

“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so *** what."
Naomi I think you are preaching to the Choir here. Maybe write a stiff letter to the Hospice? lol!
There's bound to be someone at the hospice who would be offended by the word "stiff".
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Haaaaaa! Irreverent … but funny, sanmac. Love it!
How long wil it be before we have only bland unfunny humour, all dressed similar, no jokes, no banter, no flirting, all in case we may offend or upset some miserable humourless people.
I'm sure there are some who'd love that Dave50, but it will never happen. Great comedy will always have an edge, epecially stand up.
I agree that such extremism is both ridiculous and rather sad.

The problem lies with the No-Win-No-Fee-Blame-And Claim brigade (whose sins are often unfairly blamed on Health And Safety but that's another story).

It only needs one "Offended Party" to persuade a Greedy Lawyer (plenty around) to take up their case and Bob's your Uncle - our Pathetic Judiciary will inevitably come down on the claimant's side and award draconian costs.

And that's no fun .
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^that serves to demonstrate perfectly their pettiness. Utterly pathetic.
It's now ILLEGAL for a pub to organise (or to allow others to organise on its premises) a yard of ale competition.
[Licensing Act 2003, as amended by Schedule 4 of the Policing and Crime Act 2009 and subsequently by the Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2010].

One can hardly blame the RNLI for wanting to comply with the law!
A few years ago a local guy died in a hot chili eating competition -the chili gave him a heart attack. These things cannot be classed as 'fun'.
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The competition has been held without a problem annually for several years, chris. Perhaps it wasn’t held ‘on a pub’s premises’. The RNLI’s sole concern appears to be that it may encourage binge drinking.
//But the lifesaving charity has cancelled the yard of ale contest because it sent out the wrong message about drinking large quantities of alcohol near the water.

They also cited health and safety concerns about large crowds gathering in the road outside a pub for the event//

Perhaps some were ending up in the water and needing assistance?
APG- //A few years ago a local guy died in a hot chili eating competition -the chili gave him a heart attack. These things cannot be classed as 'fun'.//

And you can get run over crossing the road. Both are the choice of the individual involved, neither are illegal. I'm not sure what your issue is.
Despite the mealy-mouthed justification for the apparent potential to cause offence (including some some posters on this thread), it was just a harmless bit of fun in the pursuit of a good cause.

I’m glad they’ve decided to put their efforts elsewhere.
Re the Rugby Players, it's sad they've taken their fundraising elsewhere because they didn't get a photo published this year and sad that the Hospice felt it was right to withhold one.

At the very least another Charity will benefit in future and hopefully someone will tidy up all the noses that have been cut off to spite faces.
Moz -// I'm not sure what your issue is //

That's cos I have no issue.

As for your analogy! You cross the road because you need to -you don't need to go into a chili eating competition, do you?

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