ChatterBank5 mins ago
When Charities Don't Want Charity
A group of rugby players who have been supporting a hospice been told that their attire is now unacceptable. Why? Because it might offend LGBT people. The chaps have chosen to support a different charity next year.
https:/ /www.wo rcester .uk/new s/19657 richard s-warn- men-dre ssing-w omens-c lothes- fundrai ser-off ensive/
And the RNLI have axed an annual Yard of Ale contest for fear it may encourage binge drinking.
https:/ / rbytele graph.c ws/uk-w orld-ne ws/yard -ale-dr inking- banned- because -609343 7
What happened to fun?
And the RNLI have axed an annual Yard of Ale contest for fear it may encourage binge drinking.
What happened to fun?
There's bound to be someone at the hospice who would be offended by the word "stiff".
12:05 Sat 23rd Oct 2021
The tranny rugby players story has been hyped.
They have not been banned. The hospice took the donation and posted a thank you on social media. But they did not post a photo. When asked why no photo, the hospice explain that there had been complaints in previous years.
https:/ / lvernga zette.c ws/1966 0159.ho spice-s ays-sor ry-if-g ot-deci sion-wr ong-off ensive- drag-fu ndraise r/
They have not been banned. The hospice took the donation and posted a thank you on social media. But they did not post a photo. When asked why no photo, the hospice explain that there had been complaints in previous years.
From Naomi's link: "Mr Tomlinson (from the rugby club) said the group had been in touch with an LGBT charity to discuss whether it is offensive and have already chosen a different charity to support next year."
It seems like the lads covered all the bases, which in my eyes, strengthens my belief at 11:07.
It seems like the lads covered all the bases, which in my eyes, strengthens my belief at 11:07.
The Rugby club have been doing this for 18 years. Perhaps, like the Black & White Minstrels, it's time for them to review what's classed as entertainment in 2021. I'm not of the 'offended' persuasion, and neither would be a lot of TransV's or Drag Queens, but casting that aside -is it really fun these days? Could they not dress as Disney characters or Marvel Characters instead? I think a lot of the 'fun' of having chunky hairy men play a game of Rugga in dresses would probably go over the heads of anyone age under 30.
Daily Mail report with several photos.
https:/ /www.da ilymail news/ar ticle-1 0111497 /Rugby- players -dresse d-drag- raise-4 0-000-c harity- told-st op-hosp ice.htm l